The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Reading, breaking out some of the old classical CDs I have, searching the internetz for patches, and studying for my history exam tomorrow.

US History....:erk: I love history, but the US is so dull and they refuse to teach European History at my school. I even asked my principle about it.
Now that's scary


Her idea, right?

Nah, going to school in it was her idea :) The dressing up as a girl was her idea - :D She approved of it though hehe ;D

Given David's...erm, personality, I am sure he didn't complain at all and probably even suggested it subconsciously. :p

Hahaha, :) Given my desire to bean Juan in our little contest to see who gets laid first of course I'm not complaining!

I have a feeling this is going to end with Mort facing down a strap on :erk:

:lol: Only if things go the right way (not really joking)

Your a girl?


No costume this halloween, eh?

This halloween wasn't good:( I even bought candy this year for the little kids that come to my house and barely anyone came. I didn't even get to go out myself, let alone take out my little brother because he was too afraid he'd see a clown:lol:
Halloween was good - I didn't get much candy but then again I don't really eat much. I gave all my chocolate aside from one twix bar to Maizey - really am not a big chocolate fan, and everything with peanuts in them to James as I hate peanuts.

I kept everything gummy :D

However it was a fun night for me to just hang out with them :) Anyways, I'm off to watch Ghost Hunters :D
Holy crap, I'm actually drinking apple juice too (whilst blasting Beherit at little kids coming towards the door :kickass:)