The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Besides, do we even pronounce realize as "real-ice?" It makes more sense to put a z there.
The way we use the alphabet in general sucks. We should write stuff the way it is pronounced like Hindi does (for the most part).
I'd say all these years of not recognising the British Royal family as the head of state should be enough reason to execute them all.

Who the fuck decided what royalty is? If anything the royal family should be executed for decadent living on the backs of the plebes based off no other justification than bloodlines.
Getting ready for a phone interview. Nervous as hell since this one's for Lockheed Martin, and it would be fucking amazing to get hired by the biggest, coolest government contractor in, like, the world. I've written up an essay's worth of notes about my qualifications to have in front of me while I'm on the phone. :lol:

I hope they want me...
Getting ready for a phone interview. Nervous as hell since this one's for Lockheed Martin, and it would be fucking amazing to get hired by the biggest, coolest government contractor in, like, the world. I've written up an essay's worth of notes about my qualifications to have in front of me while I'm on the phone. :lol:

I hope they want me...

Sweet, the Lockheed Martin chick said my skills were adequate, and she's passing my info on to the 'real' interviewers, who will call me back later. I have a chance! :kickass:
Fucked by the royal family? You really are an idiot. The pomp goes on them instead of the politicians, which is a much better situation. Also try and remember there were a lot more Americans who thought Bush was God's man than people who think something similar about the Queen here.

Do you know anything about Oliver Cromwell?

Regardless of public opinion and pomp, the royal family, and specifically the queen, are extremely rich for no reason (other than historical military conquest). They provide no useful service other parade and tabloid fodder. It must be nice to be the worlds largest landowner(Queen Elizabeth II).

As far as Americans and Bush go (and Obama this time around), leader worship needs to stop. It's ignorant no matter who is doing it.

Oliver Cromwell kind of cancelled out the good he did by abusing power himself.
The Queen didnt put the country in a recession. Politicans and the Bank of England did. Blair and Brown two huge dickheads.

FYP. The Queen could sell off some of her huge land holdings and recapitalize the banks. Of course that isn't going to happen though.

Sweet, the Lockheed Martin chick said my skills were adequate, and she's passing my info on to the 'real' interviewers, who will call me back later. I have a chance!

Good Luck.
Sweet. Yeah, I really fucking want this job.

I wish I could somehow magically alter my voice to sound less depressy and slightly-oafish. I recorded my phone convo with the chick, and the contrast between her brisk, well-inflected voice and my own voice is just :erk:.
She probably got the phone job based off her speech abilities. As long as you aren't trying to get a phone based job you should be fine. I remember the tech guys that were working on some test phase gear for the USMC, pretty mousey dudes scurrying around.