The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah, I'm not too worried. Though it's something I really want to work on some day. It just doesn't make a good impression at all when you sound as if you like never see the light of day or something. I imagine communicating well can get you ahead no matter what field you're in; kinda goes along with that "attitude is everything" saying.
FYP. The Queen could sell off some of her huge land holdings and recapitalize the banks. Of course that isn't going to happen though.

Good Luck.


I'm glad she has huge amounts of land she is legally bound to keep. I'm glad there are huge parts of the UK that will never be some fat american's golf course or islamic centres for weapons development (joke).

You may have read in RIGHT wing AMERICAN CHRISTIAN news that she's the worlds biggest landowner (which doesn't smell like FREEDOM!!!1) but, the land she owns is almost solely green belt land anyway. She's keeping it for England.
Some other royals own large parts of housing in london and get tax from it, that would be more complain worthy. Or how that turd, Lord Black bought his knighthood.
I'm too busy watching the UK get fucked by the royal family. The one time in history the French had more balls than the British was in 1789.

God, I really hope you're joking. You realize they're figureheads, right? They're pretty much just a reminder that people used to care about what England did.

I'm glad she has huge amounts of land she is legally bound to keep. I'm glad there are huge parts of the UK that will never be some fat american's golf course or islamic centres for weapons development (joke).

You may have read in RIGHT wing AMERICAN CHRISTIAN news that she's the worlds biggest landowner (which doesn't smell like FREEDOM!!!1) but, the land she owns is almost solely green belt land anyway. She's keeping it for England.
Some other royals own large parts of housing in london and get tax from it, that would be more complain worthy. Or how that turd, Lord Black bought his knighthood.

I was thinking more of her selling some of Australia to someone who has money and needs space/resources. Like China.
Yeah, I'm not too worried. Though it's something I really want to work on some day. It just doesn't make a good impression at all when you sound as if you like never see the light of day or something. I imagine communicating well can get you ahead no matter what field you're in; kinda goes along with that "attitude is everything" saying.

This is true. There are a lot of prior military working for companies like Lockheed, and you can usually spot them just by the way they carry themselves, at least the Marines anyway. A little more confidence in stride (as opposed to shuffling along), not slouching, commanding tone etc. It definitely helps to project confidence in interviews.

Try the Barney Stinson approach :lol:

"Vihris Gari: HIRED!"
It's a stupid idea, fuck American English, it's just pretentious and cowboyish.
Pretentious and cowboyish don't really go together. I don't think you really know what you're talking about.

That would wash if america didn't have to edit them out of modern history to look good.
Dunno what you're talking about there, but art is for girly men (like English people) anyways.
It's a stupid idea, fuck American English, it's just pretentious and cowboyish.

Many Americans find British English effete and snobbish.

I'm all for a global standardization of the English language. It will help other people learn it, and rid the pointless animosity between ethnic groups whose cultures are barely different beyond dialect.

And despite me being in America, that standard should be British English, by reason of precedent. Heck, I think it looks cooler.
Honestly, is it that big a deal? The occasional minor spelling differences can't be that much of a burden to people learning English. And as far as "animosity" goes, there aren't that many people stupid enough to actually get angry or vindictive over the American/British spelling issue, and those who do (i.e. JAGE) aren't worth listening to in the first place.
You do know that that's not actually possible, right?

Anything is possible, of course it won't happen though.

I wouldn't underrate the difference between British and American culture. I don't live in a wooden house, I didn't meet a hot blonde on the porch of her wooden house and pick her up in dads V8, I didn't get locked in my locker at school, I've never even seen an american football ball in real life, I hate rounders, so I don't care about baseball, I hate converse, I don't skate, I hate rap, I really hate mc donalds food, coffee should have stayed banned and erm yeah that'll do for now.

You just described most Americans, with the exception of the football and rap thing.
The extent to which what has at least partly been a trivial discussion (the spellings) could, understandably lead people to have a greatly diminished view on me, and I regret that.
I suppose hollywood films from the 80s weren't a very good depiction of American culture then. Fair enough. I have never been to America. I just wish I could relate to films more, if you want a good example, national treasure 2. Why did they even screen that here? It's specifically anti British and mostly a load of long rants about freedom and burgers and slavery and things.

The extent to which what has at least partly been a trivial discussion (the spellings) could, understandably lead to people have a greatly diminished view on me, and I regret that.

Never use anything out of Hollywood as the basis for any accurate pov on the world. I would be happy if an earthquake destroyed that part of Cali tbh. The amount of garbage that comes out of that place ridiculously outweighs the good.

I am a huge Nicholas Cage fan, but I didn't care for either NT movies.