The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got back from work. I made $28 for working eight hours. In those eight hours I was harassed by drunks, yelled at by crack heads, and I had to endure shitty rap and reggaeton while people danced like they were having epileptic seizures and spilled drinks on me. I'm quitting my job.:)

Other than that I'm relaxing and figuring out lastfm
Reading all the papers I've saved onto a folder with as all the stuff I wrote during high school. A good number of them are incomplete because I tended to finish them at school the day they're due.

An excerpt from my college essay...

"Braving the terrain of algae-covered rocks through a cool Labor Day drizzle, I plant my boots at the worn precipice where the turbid waters of Muscongus Bay make their advances with the inbound tide. Confident in my balance, I acquire aspect lock on my target and press the trigger; Marshall Point Light has now been photographed, joining Rockland Breakwater and Owl’s Head on today’s list of completed objectives. Following a tour through the lighthouse museum I sit in the south-bound Ford, anticipating the elapse of the next nine months when I can return to the paradise where the aroma of white pine mingles with the salty spray of the Atlantic and the aged stone sentinels shine their beacons over the rugged coast of Maine.
From the early days of my child I have made the three-hour pilgrimage from a populous Boston suburb to our wooded retreat on the rocky shores of Westport Island. There I set aside my academics and steer a swift course up the Sheepscot as the Boston Whaler skirts the rugged coastline where I used to catch rock crabs hiding under the seaweed. From my first lung-full of sea air to my last morsel of fried haddock, I feel eternally grateful to be blessed with such a place to call home for the summer. Not for one second did a rogue thought cross my mind that I should call anywhere but here my future home..."
At my aunt's house babysitting. I just put the little rascal to bed and am now working on a paper on Puccini. Also watching the Blues and Illinois football game.
I just had a terrible headache since about 2 this afternoon. Went to bed and woke up around 6 to take an aleve, poop, dry heave, throw up a tiny bit, went back to bed for like 10 minutes, went back and threw up more, sat in the bathroom for 10 minutes, went back to bed and just woke up 5 minutes ago.

Great night. I wish I knew what I ate that made me sick.

P.S. I know that first paragraph switches tenses in mid sentence but I don't give a shit (no pun intended).
Girls don't poop
