The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


I just had an awesome time. We had this event at school where we had martial arts and lion dance demonstrations. I got to tell about the origin of the lion dance to a huge crowd of people. It was awesome. After it all I nearly made out with my friend's little sister, and I had a conversation with a nice Colombian man in Spanish. It was a good night.

That'd be forgery.

I loled.
anyway so I'm listening to Аркона and thinking about going out. It's a stupid time to go out though.
Preparing to go to sleep by listening to the last two ambient tracks on Urfaust's debut. My God, the beauty, o, woe is me, alas', *insert other poetic phrase*
Just got back from a pretty cool show. It had a mix of punk, metal and hardcore bands, the biggest being the crossover thrash band Iron Age. A powerviolence band called Vile Intent and an old school death band called Slaighter Strike also played. The weirdest band was Mature Situations whose members played with old people masks on.
I threw up in a bus full of people yesterday... I don't know if I'm to consider it funny or sad, it was embarassing, that's sure. Too much weed afternoon + some beer and I was done. Plus the bus took so long to get to another stop and did those fucking vibrations. I fucking hate buses that do vibrations, they let the fucking motor running and shaking my drugged body until it vomits. Not my bad.
Wow, was just reading in news, that two 13yo boys brutally raped their classmate girl here in Czech, then I was like whow! Then continued reading the article and I was "confirmed" they were gypsies.. All three..

I was like riiight. Ok. I could've think so.

They should put these things in the title tbh.
If something goes missing, a gypsy stole it. They are like Jews and black people in one. More hatred should be directed towards gypsies.
If something goes missing, a gypsy stole it. They are like Jews and black people in one. More hatred should be directed towards gypsies.

I was just not surprised, while I would be if this has happened on some school I know by white czechs. I'd be quite terrified actually (and I was for a moment) if this has happenned on a school I know with withe children. It's really sad though what's happening in this country as of late. Some white supremacists burned a gipsies house and almost killed a little girl few months ago, burning like 80 percent of her body. It's said that she'll lay in hospital for years until atleast a partial recovery.

More and more fascist parties existing and so on. These are all connected and the goverment doesn't fucking get it. Luckily a vawe of gypsies is moving to Canada, but that's not gonna change anything, both them AND the white racists do the fucking absurd criminality.

One always intends to not be racist, but when they can't raise a child without telling him it's not fine to rape a classmate, it's no good.
If I still lived in Illinois I'd go with you. Fuck, that'd rule actually.

I'm listening to Krohm. My gf doesn't dislike it, which is odd because she seriously can't stand metal. 'Tra La Carne E Il Nulla' is on right now. My favorite of his.
Posting from Spanish class. Tengo tan mucho hambre que quiero comer la cabeza de una chica muy retrasada en mi clase. Fuck, I'm so hungry.