The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I am gonna make some mother fuckin' grilled cheese and some fuckin' to-ma-to soup and watch some mother fuckin' movies while I eat that shit. g'damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
There can be, but I think liking a sports team is usually about emotional attachment and feeling part of something bigger than yourself, and should not be a calculation of what team has the highest chance of winning.
Not saying it should be. I don't care about baseball, but if you hold a gun to my head I'm a Mets fan like my parents.

I'm not arguing anything. I could care less about the Yankees or the Red Sox. All I'm saying is that the Yankees obviously attract the best of the best because of their high payroll and they can afford to pay them more than anyone else. It therefore follows that they will perform better with better players.
Yeah. But how do you measure how "good" a team is except by their likelihood of winning? And by that quite objective measure the Yankees are a better team than the Red Sox. And yet the idiots around here genuinely believe the Red Sox are better at baseball. If they were rooting for their home team out of civic pride I wouldn't give a shit, but the logic they use is fucking warped.
I'm not complaining about sports at all, I'm complaining about Bostonians. While I'm at it, they can't fucking drive. At all. I almost got run over this morning. I've been hit twice before, but this really would have been the end. Fucker was running a red light, too. Also, there's nothing more annoying than a Boston accent. It's like the American Cockney.
just heard back from an Agent in Vancouver, who wants to meet ASAP. Him and his company are very interested in my music, which is FUCKING AWESOME because I was seriously considering giving up music , and just focus on Painting/Photography
just heard back from an Agent in Vancouver, who wants to meet ASAP. Him and his company are very interested in my music, which is FUCKING AWESOME because I was seriously considering giving up music , and just focus on Painting/Photography

:kickass: good for you! I'm having a beer just cuz o that!

BTW I'm actually jealous, but I have learned the best way to deal with jealousy is to embrace another man's luck