The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So I was just lurking 4chan, and suddenly I heard voices coming out of my speakers, it wasn't really clear or anything, and it was quite low. So I paused Itunes, and heard a really faint voice, saying something about a communist revolution. So I turned up my speakers around revolution, and it stopped.

I feel very confused.

Shoot your computer.

Have a priest exorcise you.
Remember kids,

Socialism - Good
Communism - BAD

P.S. Dakryn is not allowed to respond to this post
I am practicing like craaaaaazy. Just got my flight to japan confirmed. Just glanced over the itinerary, flying Air Japan. Hopefully they have good eats on there.

anwyays, I gotta get a 14 song set down in like two weeks. ugh. Cool nonetheless