The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I think people should be allowed to decide for themselves if they want to commit suicide or not, but still if I saw someone about to jump from a bridge I would try to stop him.

Unless it was close friends or family (and it depends on who in the family) I wouldnt try and stop someone from jumping off a bridge. They get what they want and I have a story to tell for the rest of my life.
I would probably be contemplating if I really valued the person (if I knew them) or if I didn't, contemplating whether I should save them or not and wondering why they're doing it. They would be dead before I decided to do anything. Then again, I've never been in this situation and probably never will be.
If I saw someone jump off a bridge and did nothing to stop it, I wouldn't go around telling people about it...

Is it only people in WV that try to top each other's horror stories during work?

Edit: Also, if someone is truly suicidal, you arent gonna talk them down. You arent Samuel L Jackson anyway.
Horror stories are one thing, but standing by while someone kills themselves isn't something to talk about. I mean, not doing anything to stop it is one thing, but then telling everyone about it...
If I saw somebody about to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't deliberately attempt to convince him not to, but I would talk to him, ask him why he's jumping, if there's anything that could be done that would change his mind, if there's anything he wants other people to know, etc.
Okay, I now regret getting a guitar with a Floyd Rose. Took for-fucking-ever to restring the bastard. I love that guitar, but not that bridge.

:lol: I know what you mean. I made the mistake of clipping every string the first time.

The thing I hate the most is if want to tune differently. I have to mess with the springs for an hour or two.
Watching the Murray vs Federer match - good stuff so far. Just finished filling out a form for a meeting I have tomorrow to discuss my poor performance in my first year of med school last year. Was difficult since I couldn't just write "I was hungover all the time"...
Ugh, tennis is horrendously boring. My gf watches it, and I have to go find something else to do. Granted, I watch baseball, so I can see someone saying the same to that. But tennis I just don't get....
There's some little white girl I saw playing that I got hard over. She was just old enough that I won't go to jail, but looked just young enough to warrant attention from Mort...Mmm@her.
So I was just lurking 4chan, and suddenly I heard voices coming out of my speakers, it wasn't really clear or anything, and it was quite low. So I paused Itunes, and heard a really faint voice, saying something about a communist revolution. So I turned up my speakers around revolution, and it stopped.

I feel very confused.