The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm sort of missing my hair, but it feels a lot better.
The time between not having long hair and having hair that is long enough to look cool sucks.
Yeah, pretty much. As you can see from the photos I posted yesterday, I had it looking good, but the pain-in-the-ass factor was huge and it looked pretty bad when it was tied back. I'm satisfied with the haircut, overall.

I kind of want to see if I could transfer to Berkeley.

Then we could hang out except not really because I'd be in Canada. But almost.
I should clarify that I'm only cutting a foot off and that my hair will still be long. I'm selling it for jewgold.

This made me think of some metal head growing out his hair super long and then selling some of it for money and buying more metal with the money and then growing it again, so on and so forth. It was an awesome thought.
Then we could hang out except not really because I'd be in Canada. But almost.

If we kinda hung out I'd almost be tempted to form a band, sort of.

So my favorite coworker got caught trying to fake a return to get some extra cash yesterday and she lost her job today. She approached me before she went into the office and was all smiles. I think she wanted to leave a good last impression. She gave me a hug and I had to shower just now because I could smell her perfume on me and it gave me mixed emotions of sorrow, anger, and frustration. Fuck.
Okay, so I love fettucini alfredo. Love the stuff. My gf does not, but here and there she'll make some for me. She makes everything from scratch. She made some for me tonight, and I'm currently eating it. It tastes awful. I got up to get a drink because the shit was just terrible...bland, watered down, not cheesy at all. I happened to glance over at the trash and noticed a fucking jar of RAGU! Ugh! Her caring gesture was a LIE!