The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Watching the new Dylan Moran.

"We make gods all the time. Everybody went apeshit when Barack Obama got elected. I was delighted, everybody was thrilled. A sane, rational, intelligent human being in an important office. His biggest problem is that everybody else is us, because everybody's in love with him. He stands up there, he's very convincing and commanding. 'This is a very important time, we've got to work together, and be realistic' and everybody's looking at him going "NO! You do it! You are superjesus!""
That's some gay ass shit.

I concur.

Holy mother of god that would suck.

Yes, it truly is horrible. The worst part is the weekends. It is too much a pain in the ass to try and switch my sleep schedule around every weekend, so I spend most of my time alone in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping and everything is closed. Now that winter is upon us I will see very little sunlight for the coming months as I sleep during the day and the sun goes down rather early. It goes against everything your body thinks is natural.
Yes, it truly is horrible. The worst part is the weekends. It is too much a pain in the ass to try and switch my sleep schedule around every weekend, so I spend most of my time alone in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping and everything is closed. Now that winter is upon us I will see very little sunlight for the coming months as I sleep during the day and the sun goes down rather early. It goes against everything your body thinks is natural.

Holy shit man that sounds bad. What job do you do?
Try working 5pm to 5:20am every shift.

Yes, it truly is horrible. The worst part is the weekends. It is too much a pain in the ass to try and switch my sleep schedule around every weekend, so I spend most of my time alone in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping and everything is closed. Now that winter is upon us I will see very little sunlight for the coming months as I sleep during the day and the sun goes down rather early. It goes against everything your body thinks is natural.

I worked a similar shift for about 7 months (~12am - ~8am). The one aspect of the job I always really loved was getting home in the morning while watching everyone else leaving for work. I will never work third shift again while living with other people though. For me sleeping during the day wouldn't have been a problem had my family not been constantly doing things that made noise.

I did enjoy meeting a lot of the people that were around in the middle of the night. There are some very interesting characters out during those hours.
I'm working on a Saturday, working on a Saturday, working on a Saturday afternoon.

Nope, not lazing, unfortunately:erk:

Oh, and on a completely random note, here's the infamous Dave's post in this thread circa 27 months ago.

chilling here listening to mozart, eating, getting ready to go clubbin'
My pc is being raped by some sort of virus. Absolutely everything is running at a snails pace and half of my programs won't even open. When I am online I get a ton of pop ups. I have run Malwarebytes, Spybot and Avast anti virus and nothing has worked. The spybot finds a bunch of shit and deletes it, but I think they are all cookies from the pop-ups. I am getting incredibly frustrated. I have no idea were this shit came from. It just started acting up this week. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU