The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Try Avira and Kaspersky?

Do you have any way of backing shit up? because you could put all your shit onto an external, reinstall windows and then scan the HD with a nice newly updated version of an anti-virus program.
Got my swine flu shot. My mom somehow bullshitted me into the high priority group even though I'm over 18; to be fair I come into contact with lots of sick people all the time. Then I went fabric shopping with my mom, which was even more awesome than it sounds.

But it looks like I will soon have two new computers. Can't wait to put my desktop together...
I'm gonna buy myself a cheap computer soon. I'm sick of using this one.

edit: That one looks nice.
I am fucking sick. ugh.. i can't stand laying down anymore after being in bed all day yesterday.

I'm playing ps3 while listening to the devil's blood...
Holy crap, I've got this burning craving for scallops. Like, it's almost all I can think about at work. I had some really good buttered ones at my friend's mom's house a month or two ago, and I could kill for another plate of those in front of me right now.

Holy crap, I've got this burning craving for scallops. Like, it's almost all I can think about at work. I had some really good buttered ones at my friend's mom's house a month or two ago, and I could kill for another plate of those in front of me right now.

I know what you mean. Seafood is fantastic, in general. It's not kosher(anything that doesn't have scales), though, but who cares. I made one of my orthodox coworkers puke upon mentioning that I love scallops
People are weird...