The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

He should throw on some Devourment and fucking stab some hookers.

If it wasn't for the fact he had one I'd suggest eating babies too.

Instead tl;dr post of Anal Electrocution lyrics.
Unrelated by I just found a lyric site that posted censored lyrics of this song :lol:

I need new ways to torture all my bitches,
Peel off their skin or cover them in stitches,
Sometimes they bleed, sometimes they spit,
Sometimes I feed on their half decayed clit,
I've scraped out their guts through their torn open cunt.

It's so much fun to make them bleed,
But I have new ways to kill them indeed,
An electric rod that spews ten thousand volts,
Up her ass I pound it, her cunt implodes,
Surging through her sliced open veins,
Smoke emits from her boiling brain,
Currents flow through her bubbling mass,
Sparks and blood shoot from out her ass.

Tears are building in my eyes from the stink of your burnt fluid,
You hair is singed: your flesh is black, your form reduced to ruin
I pull your crispy outer skin to reveal your bloody tissue,
I chomp the chips of harden flesh and lust at your dead sinew,

A strange idea has taken over,
I'll remove your blistered outer cover,
Caress your skinless, dripping body,
A burning feeling builds inside me,
With staggering force I go inside it,
The slits warmth will make my nuts spit,
I pound her slit 'til I feel it cumming,
My eyes roll back the pleasure is numbing.

I ride your toasted dripping carcass,
With infinite hate I beat your face in,
The third hit causes you nose to cave in,
Oh my god, she's breathing,
What will I do with this toasted hog bitch,
Thought she was dead, but I feel her heat beat,
A thrifty idea I have excites me,
Where is my hacksaw.

You feel the bite,
Saw through your horribly burnt open flesh,
I'll cut off your limbs till you are dead,
When you are really deceased,
Again I will get my cock wet.
Just got a nice Christmas gift from the city I rencently moved in. A wonderful 1500$ of taxes to pay. Awesome, not that I wasn't expecting it but the timing is just perfect...
So DT's on H again, eh. I'm on coffee today, only had four beers today so I hopefully won't sleep 14 hours like yesterday.

(yes, 14, I went to sleep at 20:00 and got up at 10:00)
No, no H. It's an idea, but I don't need that or I'd end up offing myself. I'm at my mom's right now. I don't know when I can see my son. This is just too much. I'm 21 and shouldn't have these issues... I don't have to be in a committed relationship, ya know? I was loving and faithful for over 2 years, and that's not enough? Then stab me in the back on top of it all? I thought things were well and that she and I would be together forever, as dumb as it is to ever believe that. Saying "I love you" seems to only lead to hurt. And jail. I'd rather just be alone.

I appreciate the :( 's though. It doesn't help, but still...

EDIT: Sevag, you don't get to say that. Now I feel like a whiny bitch.
What the christ. Was there some specific recent issue that caused her to flip out, or do you think she'd been hating the relationship for a long time and finally just decided on a way to hit the eject button?

I hope you're able to work out some kind of agreement to see your son dude. I also hope you don't end up stuck in the kind of bullshit some ex-couples do where the only way they agree to anything is in court, and it just wastes thousands of bucks in lawyer/court costs.

Either way though, it's going to really suck for your son if you aren't able to get back together with her and he has to live with only one parent while being caught in the middle of all that tension. The whole ordeal's going to take the biggest toll by far on him, and it's really sad that your ex doesn't seem to care about that.
sevag00's cancer isn't like some sort of trump card, that's still a really shitty situation you're in. I could tell you what I've told you many times before, but things look bleak this time around. I'm curious as to why she did this.
There's only 2 reasons. She wanted it to end or she tried to make me look like the bad guy. She got drunk and started hitting and such, so I had my mom pick up our son. With everyone mad at her, she wanted to retaliate. That's my guess. Either way, this hurts, and it will make my son's life so god damn hard...I don't want him to live without both parents. I wanted this to work. God damn it.
Being separated is not the end of the world for a child, especially for one as young as your son. The younger it occurs, the more normal it seems and the easier it is to accept. I'm not saying that it's preferable in any way, but it's also not as bad as I'm sure it must seem right now. Assuming that things work out where there is some kind of shared custody, that is. Not that I can really tell from one picture, but as long as your son has a good demeanor, it's likely that he can adapt with minimal issues.
Hopefully. Logically, it's not the end of the world. But, it sure feels like it. It's my time to get my emo on, I guess. Hopefully I'll see my son soon, though. I don't think she and I will ever get back together, which is upsetting to say the least.
Yeah, it'd be too tempting. This sort of heartache and sorrow mixed with that is a 99% sure shot to suicide. Death sounds nice now, but later on I will be glad not to be dead. I lost the woman I love and won't really heal from that, but I at least have my son. That's still more than enough to keep me going and it always will be. I wish I could see him right now, though.
Yeah, it'd be too tempting. This sort of heartache and sorrow mixed with that is a 99% sure shot to suicide. Death sounds nice now, but later on I will be glad not to be dead. I lost the woman I love and won't really heal from that, but I at least have my son. That's still more than enough to keep me going and it always will be. I wish I could see him right now, though.

I found out that I'm getting laid off today. I'm in a pretty shitty mood atm and am enjoying my last beer that I'll be able to afford until I get a new job.

Hope things will work out for both of you.