The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Shit d_t that sounds like a horrid situation. What you said sounds pretty correct though (about her wanting to retaliate and so on). Just try to get your hopes up and do what you can.

Same with you too cook-ta, hopefully you can find a decent job sometime soon. What horrible timing to get laid off.
Damn Apoth, I wish there was something I could say to help. Just remember that you've got me along with everyone else on Morbid Realm (considering you practically run the show there :p )behind you.
No, no H. It's an idea, but I don't need that or I'd end up offing myself. I'm at my mom's right now. I don't know when I can see my son. This is just too much. I'm 21 and shouldn't have these issues... I don't have to be in a committed relationship, ya know? I was loving and faithful for over 2 years, and that's not enough? Then stab me in the back on top of it all? I thought things were well and that she and I would be together forever, as dumb as it is to ever believe that. Saying "I love you" seems to only lead to hurt. And jail. I'd rather just be alone.

I appreciate the :( 's though. It doesn't help, but still...

EDIT: Sevag, you don't get to say that. Now I feel like a whiny bitch.
Good on you for not turning to smack again. Just remember that even though it may seem really shitty now, life goes on.

Don't EVER let a woman make you who you are. If you are worried about custody of your kid, there are legal precautions you can take to gain it.

(Sexist comment not intended.)
When did this become the whining and bitching thread?

DT: dude, that sounds really awful. I really hope you can fix things up. I sense given past posts that this is a somewhat tumultuous relationship, so maybe there is hope?

what a shitty situation, i really feel for you. I know what it's like to be in a relationship for 2 years only to have the bitch backstab you out of nowhere. I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy, i can't imagine how hard it would with adding a kid to the mix. I can tell you that you won't feel so shitty as time goes by. Hopefully you two can be mature enough to have some kind of a civil relationship for your sons sake. Hang in there man.
Being separated is not the end of the world for a child, especially for one as young as your son. The younger it occurs, the more normal it seems and the easier it is to accept. I'm not saying that it's preferable in any way, but it's also not as bad as I'm sure it must seem right now. Assuming that things work out where there is some kind of shared custody, that is. Not that I can really tell from one picture, but as long as your son has a good demeanor, it's likely that he can adapt with minimal issues.

life =/= what you read/research
I don't talk about my personal life on the internet with strangers, so I could see why you would assume that I don't have one. Thanks for being a faggot though, it's really appreciated.
I don't talk about my personal life on the internet with strangers, so I could see why you would assume that I don't have one. Thanks for being a faggot though, it's really appreciated.

Your sentiiments are appreciated, trust me.

I'm going to see my lawyer at 1 pm today. It's 10:45ish am. I won't be able to see my son until after court, and even then it will be hard. I wish she would snap out of it already. There's no need for any of this. I never hit her...she was swinging on me because she was drunk.

I want to see my son. I want to wake up next to her again. I'm so very tired right now.
I don't talk about my personal life on the internet with strangers, so I could see why you would assume that I don't have one. Thanks for being a faggot though, it's really appreciated.

you mis understood my post, mine was just saying you have really no real life experience since you more than likely have great little parents that are wealthy and you are trying to shed light on something you just don't honestly know anything about...not trying to be rude but it's a thing ive noticed on this forum lately, or just ive come to realize it's not so black and white
Who cares? Even if he hasn't been through what I have, why would I want him to? Maybe his view will give me more to think about. His post was possibly more comforting because of the logic about how this would effect my son.
you mis understood my post, mine was just saying you have really no real life experience since you more than likely have great little parents that are wealthy and you are trying to shed light on something you just don't honestly know anything about...not trying to be rude but it's a thing ive noticed on this forum lately, or just ive come to realize it's not so black and white

you mis understood my post, mine was just say you have really no idea what my life experience is since you more than likely don't know me in person and you are not reading about my life online...not trying to be rude but it's a thing ive noticed on this forum lately, or just ive come to realize it's not so black and white

I would suggest that you say nothing when you have nothing to base your statements on. My family is far from rich, though I'm not going to complain that I have a decent family life, especially in comparison to what I've read of other people's family lives on this forum. My experience pertains to my nephew, who I have treated as my own son since he was born, since, after all, he's my godson. No, I don't have a child of my own, but this situation has been different. After his parents split up, the mother living in Illinois, there would be many times where he would have to stay here, with my parents and myself, so he was like both a son and a little brother. I take care of him just the same as any parent would take care of his child. And I'm glad to say that he has adjusted to going back and forth between states every few months better than my family has seeing him leave.

But you already knew that, right?
Who cares? Even if he hasn't been through what I have, why would I want him to? Maybe his view will give me more to think about. His post was possibly more comforting because of the logic about how this would effect my son.

If I were you, do not show any compassion towards her when the legal battle begins. Fight for full custody and try to screw her as hard possible in regards to the estate split.
Mathiäs;8764425 said:
If I were you, do not show any compassion towards her when the legal battle begins. Fight for full custody and try to screw her as hard possible in regards to the estate split.

Well Mathias you certainly offer some sound advice based on a circumspect understanding of the situation.

Playin this, which kicks the shit out of GTA IV.