The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Wow after my last Friday night ended up with me sleeping in my car, last night I went and topped it by sleeping on the floor in the boardroom of my mate's office. My city is the worst place to find a cab. We walked around for an hour trying to get one and gave up.

I'm struggling this morning though. Started drinking at midday and went until midnight with my boss paying for all my drinks.

I'm late to this whole game, but my parents were pretty young (23 and 24) when they divorced. I was two at the time. They both played the lawyer game and I'm fairly certain that my mother had my father thrown in jail on one occasion. They were both perpetually belligerent drunks with control issues at the time, so things naturally got shitty on a regular basis.

My father eventually got to see us every Saturday and Sunday for visitation after about a year of my mom moving myself and my newborn brother around various basements, and it was always a sort of event that we looked forward to. The two remained hostile towards each other and acted like typical competitive faggots until I was about 9; then they both began to chill out to the point of becoming friendly acquaintances a couple of years after that.

The point is, my father went through pretty much the same thing you did (though I have a feeling his case was a tad less "extreme" than yours) and thinking about him recounting his feelings during that time makes me think of the situation you're in. It can be temporary if you make it so, even if your ex is a total cunt.

For what it's worth: Despite some gay shit from ages 5-6 or so, the separation didn't make my childhood suck in any sense. I obviously have no problem talking about it and can't think of any long term problems I've gained as a result.
Finished re-formatting my pc and got all the drivers re-installed. I am now currently enjoying my not fucked up pc and listening to some Inquisition.
Just finished making a over 100-hour playlist of every wintery album I have. Listening in alphabetical order, currently on Agalloch's "Falling Snow" while waiting for the 12-inch snow storm to attack NY.
Mathiäs;8764425 said:
If I were you, do not show any compassion towards her when the legal battle begins. Fight for full custody and try to screw her as hard possible in regards to the estate split.

You'll make an excellent trial lawyer someday
Not to be offensive, but I would imagine somebody with a history of drugs, fighting, and jail time would have it rough trying to gain full custody. I don't think that's in his best interest, nor his kid's interest either for that matter.