The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Go all out to get a job. Even if you don't find one, if you can prove you're trying it will look good for the judge.

This is very true. The appearance that you're doing everything you possibly can to better yourself for your child is just as important in such a hearing as actually accomplishing said betterment. However, it could very well backfire if you attempt to laud it over the other parent in an attempt to get full or primary custody. Ask my nephew's mother, she tried that and the judge basically laughed at her.

Also, just got back from shoveling for a few hours and am in a curiously good mood.
This is very true. The appearance that you're doing everything you possibly can to better yourself for your child is just as important in such a hearing as actually accomplishing said betterment. However, it could very well backfire if you attempt to laud it over the other parent in an attempt to get full or primary custody. Ask my nephew's mother, she tried that and the judge basically laughed at her.

You're both absolutely right. I've been so caught up in my depression and such that I forgot that there are still things I can do. I'm not at a complete loss. What kind of dad would I be if I just give up?

Thanks for those responses.
Just got back from a grueling hour-long walk in the dark. I was out at the park until sunset and had to go on foot because my car wouldn't make it there.

Earlier in the day my across-the-street neighbor who's a ~75-year-old grandmother invited me over and gave me a plate of cookies she baked. I had to sit through a religious lecture while I was there about how Jesus is in our hearts and how he does all this good in the world because he loves us... but still, she makes some amazing cookies.
She did express some concern about that since I'd been stuck here alone since Friday night, but honestly I've been enjoying myself.
I've heard people mention it. Explain please.

For the past four years the X factor (X Factor basically == Pop idol == American Idol. Same dude making it, Simon Cowell) winner has been Christmas number one in Britain (Pretty much the only time most people care about number 1). This year people got together a movement on facebook to get RATM - Killing in the Name to number 1 because they were bored of all this shitty pop stuff.
It got to number 1.
Many were happy.

No idea why RATM was picked. Probably because any person that's been drunk in a club that plays any kind of rock has heard and loved that song :lol:
I would think RATM would just do something crazy in protest while on the air and get themselves banned from the show.
I agree with barely any of their political messages. They also do stupid ways of protesting. Apparently they stood naked on stage and played feedback for fifteen minutes.
Devasya Chāyā;8774950 said:
I agree with barely any of their political messages. They also do stupid ways of protesting. Apparently they stood naked on stage and played feedback for fifteen minutes.

That's not stupid. That's a fairly well calculated attention grab.
Just got off the phone with customer service and will be returning my power supply (I figured out it was defective on my own because I'm awesome like that). Also, done with Christmas shopping. :kickass: