The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

You're both absolutely right. I've been so caught up in my depression and such that I forgot that there are still things I can do. I'm not at a complete loss. What kind of dad would I be if I just give up?

Thanks for those responses.

you dont have any friends man? people on the internet should not be telling you how to live your life
Being on vacation therefore going to New Hampshire with the old man to tune an organ. Same thing tomorrow in Foxboro. Can't wait for the Nutcracker tomorrow!
Took the day off from work because the roads are still shit where I am. Gonna go out and play in the snow (again) while the sun melts things up a little more, then probably head over to my friend's house in the afternoon.
nothing. just got home from Japan. sad to be back honestly, japan is so much better in every way than here. I realized this fully because this was my second time there.shit Ive been awake for to long,sleep time
Required erection joke.

Drinking cider and watching Sky Sports News. Back from uni. My mum pointed me at the cider. About 30 cans of strongbow and 16 bottles of bulmers to last me over christmas :D

My mum said "Now I don't want you drinking all that for the next three days while you're home."
"I know"
"Yes. That's for christmas".

So basically I'm allowed to get wasted for three days straight during Christmas eve, day and boxing day :D
Getting ready for my second bullshit fucking horrible ass 4-midnight shift in a row.

Fucken at least it isn't as bad as this one employee we had who came in to buy something and ended up getting stuck working with us last night haha. She came through big time with that favor though, because we had this completely incompetent piece of shit dumbass at register who literally prevented me and my manager from even being able to start working on ANYTHING until about 9pm and by that time we ended up not wanting to do anything because of her.

But that girl who ended up helping us stayed til about 12:15 and had to be back at work by 8am
I think my mum has basically accepted that my drinking habits are pretty similar to my dads now :p

I.e. If there's booze in the house, and I don't have anything to do the next day, I'm getting drunk.

This is the first time I've been completely sober since Wednesday. I'm about to head to the liq store now, actually.
For the past four years the X factor (X Factor basically == Pop idol == American Idol. Same dude making it, Simon Cowell) winner has been Christmas number one in Britain (Pretty much the only time most people care about number 1). This year people got together a movement on facebook to get RATM - Killing in the Name to number 1 because they were bored of all this shitty pop stuff.
It got to number 1.
Many were happy.

No idea why RATM was picked. Probably because any person that's been drunk in a club that plays any kind of rock has heard and loved that song :lol:
Ah, I see.

Devasya Chāyā;8774950 said:
I agree with barely any of their political messages. They also do stupid ways of protesting. Apparently they stood naked on stage and played feedback for fifteen minutes.

Put robes on, and you have Sunn O)))