The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

A grocery getter. You have kids we don't know about?


Just my 200-pound 1-year-old.
Getting ready for my second bullshit fucking horrible ass 4-midnight shift in a row.

I did 4-midnight last night! Why the fuck?! It was dead after 10 fucking 30!

4 to midnight? Pussies. Doing 3 to 12:30 tomorrow, and I'm not complaining.

This is the first time I've been completely sober since Wednesday. I'm about to head to the liq store now, actually.

Dude, being drunk all the time may not be the best way to get custody.
Actually, I was in photo for a while today. Really not that bad. I answered a couple calls from people who were clearly mentally incompetent, made some prints, and dealt with dipshits who thought I was the manager and could handle their returns. No big deal. Running back and forth between returns and back-up is a lot more bothersome. Also, it's not like you have anything to do in photo after about 9:30.
I was a dum-dum once this weekend and left my emergency brake on while driving, so I may need to replace my brake pads soon...
Listening to Incantation and feeling Christmas-y, finally, though not entirely happy. But yeah, this week is going to be really peaceful. Sleep sleep sleep.
Got a speeding ticket driving from Vegas to LA. I was going 91 in a 70, but the officer wrote that it was 80 in 70 so hopefully the fine isn't too bad. But still, FUUUUUUUU.

Anyways, probably gonna go to Amoeba and see Until the Light takes us as well.
Actually, I was in photo for a while today. Really not that bad. I answered a couple calls from people who were clearly mentally incompetent, made some prints, and dealt with dipshits who thought I was the manager and could handle their returns. No big deal.

Should've been in photo like...last week/Saturday morning. Orders were coming in so fast I couldn't even take a break or 20 would be late.