The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It's sunny here after raining the past few days. I just ate a quick lunch of a polish sausage and now I'm just chilling until my class at 2. I did have a welcome to University moment earlier when I got my first paper back. The comment was: "This is a well written and clearly organized overview of the text which intelligently analyzes the author's methodology. Good work!" The grade: 77
Is the grading scale different for you at U Maine compared to high school? Here a 77 is a B+ and A's are 80-100. Not sure if this is University standard or just Canada.


That grading scale would make sense if it was some difficult subject like chemistry or discrete math or something, but to have the ENTIRE university on that grading scale is just ludicrous.

At my school, it was a 10 point scale, but we had a plus/minus system where 93-100 was an A, 90-92 was an A-, etc
Agreed. I was a lot happier with the mental image of Zephyrus waking up one morning, looking out the window to see that it's raining and screaming "FUCK!", scrambling out of bed and hurriedly throwing oatmeal mix into some water. "Come on, come one! Mix, damn you!". Like he'll die if he doesn't eat oatmeal on a rainy day. I think that would be worst curse a gypsy could ever put on someone.


Listening to Blind Gaurdian.

That grading scale would make sense if it was some difficult subject like chemistry or discrete math or something, but to have the ENTIRE university on that grading scale is just ludicrous.

At my school, it was a 10 point scale, but we had a plus/minus system where 93-100 was an A, 90-92 was an A-, etc
Yeah that's what we had in high school. Not sure why they do it this way but I have been told repeatedly that an average grade is a C so anything 70+ I am quite happy with.
I'm amazingly tired at the moment. I got a new book, but unfortunately it doesn't look to promising. I feel like i've been clubbed in the head. I'm also writing in choppy sentences for some reason. Yup.
Is the grading scale different for you at U Maine compared to high school? Here a 77 is a B+ and A's are 80-100. Not sure if this is University standard or just Canada.

In my experience, I went to Sherbrooke University (located in Québec) and the grading sytem was not the same depending on which faculty you were in. Business administration wasn't the same as the other faculty I had courses in (can't remember the exact name...).

In the B.A. one your marks were in relation to the average. So if the average was like 30% for 1 exam you could have an A+ for like 50%. Usually it's a decent system but in the exemple I just gave it's kinda stupid as you can get a great mark but you don't really understand most of the course.

While the other faculty had a similiar grading system as the one you mention just with As being more 90-100, Bs in the 80-90 range...and so on.

Just for fun you might want to check other faculties just to see if their grading system is the same as where you are now.
Drinking coffee, fighting a cough, and pulling a "how the semester's course material has changed me" paper out of my ass. 1 page down, 2 to go...
Staring at my paper. I need ten pages, but I only have seven. I have all the info in seven pages, so now I don't know what to do.

Both printers went into cardiac arrest (horrifying for a place that averages about 2500 prints a day), eight computers started fritzing out, the pos system fucked itself in the ass for a good hour, and the scanner itself decided to scan every portion of a document that it didn't need (with pink speckles no less). And, of course, the computers here are using office 2007 for excel and access... oh the huge manatee.

At least the internet is back up - we lost it last week due to construction workers accidentally severing the cables under the street.