The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

besides what has already just been mentioned, eating at least the daily rec of Fiber will keep you regular...........or just drink a shitload of beer :D
I actually blushed when I read that Krow. You DO poop again, right? >_<

Heh... I wouldnt know about that problem. I have... stomach issues... and if I eat something wrong... well... I'll leave it to everyone's imagination and krig's poop posts.
I'm at home, listening to my cousins scream (I'm supposed to be babysitting them), and downloading more music on my iPod Touch. Oh and of course, sitting on myspace. I love Winter.
Later on yeah, but for this exam, which covered the first 3 chapters. It involved:

Types of units used to calculate distances (light years, astronomical units etc)

Angular Measurement (degrees, arc seconds, minutes)

A lot about the Celestial Spehere

History (Aristotle, Copernicus, Brahe, Ptolemy, Galileo, Newton and so on)

Wavelengths (gamma ray,ultraviolet, visible, infrared)

Types of telescopes and what they do

Vocab used in Astronomy

So far its pretty boring, but it should get more interesting.
Getting assraped on Kefka's floating maze-island ov doom :erk:


Sitting at work, no classes to teach today, thinking about breaking into the brass band room to play violin but probably too lazy to actually do it
Skippin' work because it's mad snowy outside. Yay for sitting on my ass all day!

Hey Illinois people, any of you feel the earthquake last night?