The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Hungover, I drank 12 beers last night, not really a lot for me, but it was the first time in awile had 12 beers. I just bought a 6 pack of becks which is amazing. Expensive, but it's worth it. I decided am not going to work and really don't give a shit about this job or what time it is.

It's time to be a drunky:)
I understand the sentiment behind those words but I hope you aren't actually going to carry it out. How is living in Lake Placid? I almost died on one of your mountains on a Girl Scout hiking trip years ago.
Enchanting all the women, cursing all the men, giving folks the jeebies and the urge to sin, turning everything fertile into barren ground, causing all the rain to fall upside down, curdling all the milk and spoiling all the beer, letting everyone know- the wizard's here.
Found out that the new As I Lay Dying album is called "The Powerless Rise"
Fuck christians, but these guys are pretty descent...
Back from work. I wound up doing 10 hours today, and the best part is that my EXA scheduled me to come in at 5:30 AM tomorrow and didn't fucking tell me. I heard it from a coworker and asked her about it; her reaction was "no one told you?" It's her fucking responsibility as the person who makes the fucking schedule to inform people about sudden changes to it...
Gonna drink tequila today this won't end up well. Czechs have a great way of drinking tequila - you lick salt first then you drink the shot and then you bite a lemon. Try it someday, it's of the tastier ways to get wasted as fuck.