The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Right now I am trying not to pee my pants, though there is a fetish in Japan for young women soiling themselves so maybe I'd make some male staff members happy if I did!/pages/Th...-in-Lords-of-chaos/225807139137?v=wall&ref=mf
checking this out, its involving Varg so i'm guessing everyone will click on the link.
I'm actually in favor of it because I find it fucking hilarious and the best a movie about Varg could hope to be is fucking hilarious.

Right now I am trying not to pee my pants, though there is a fetish in Japan for young women soiling themselves so maybe I'd make some male staff members happy if I did
Japanese men are fucking creepy.
Mainly because no one can see the peach fuzz and know "you" secretly are too scared to even greet an attractive female.

Much less can the typical male homosapien reproductive unit in possession of an internet even come close to breeding with the commonly sought after female in hopes of finding a potential mate to raise his young offspring human beings and endure the rigors of placing thinly sliced meat and cheese between two pieces of industrial grade bread
European porn is always really really sleazy, which bothers me. Not that American porn isn't, but it tends to be sleazy in a gritty and degrading way rather than a fake-orgasm "oooh jaaa" way.

Anyways, the sound isn't the problem with Japanese stuff. It's the visual of a dozen men simultaneously urinating on a girl.
I guess I haven't watched much European porn, most of what I have seen seemed way less trashy than American porn with its oversized schoolgirls loudly narrating everything that is happening.

Generally speaking, porn sucks.
So anyone watch the Lost premiere?

No. I've never seen it, but am pretty sure it's not about people being lost. If so no one would watch it and there would not be a show called Lost. Cable TV is not realistic imo and have little to no interest in it.
Sometimes you guys make me wonder if you're actually smarter than "Hello, my name is meathead, may I insert penis?"

I know some of you are joking... but it's so constant... it causes doubt. :(

I really don't give a fuck what they say as long as the bitch gets me a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries.