The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread



I'm just waiting for some food (hoping Subway again) and then going shopping for clothes. For some reason, I hate clothes shopping. I always get so frustrated.
Contemplating ways to make some changes in my life to make me less unhappy all the goddamn time.

So far I've decided that I need a major diet overhaul and to start exercising again like I did when I was in HS (even if it was forced due to gym class, I really do miss it I felt so much better then and I hurt myself a lot less than I end up doing nowadays because I wasn't as clumsy then.)

A few other things I'm thinking about but not sure on
I am right there with you Mort Divine. I would like to start a diet, exercise, and stick with. Unlike you, I am still in highschool and currently in Gym class. I don't like it because I am like the only Senior in there and I really don't know anyone in there, but I will survive. I think that is why I hate clothes shopping. I am not satisfied with myself or the image I see everyday.
Yeah, that's how it was for me too. I couldn't take gym all in one year because the class I took wasn't offered both semesters (I have a bit of a fear of water and drowning so I couldn't do the swimming portions of the class normally given), and ended up being a senior in a gym class.

I didn't like it back then, but man it seriously was great to have the routine.
Now at my school though, it is not just Gym. We have a selection on physical classes. A whole variety of dance classes, Gym, Lifelong Fitness, Walking Low Impact, and Bowling.

They are all worth 1/4 of a creit and we need a 1/2 of credit worth of physical activity. I am taking Lifelong Fitness this 9 weeks and Gym the nest 9 weeks. About two years ago, all we had was Gym and it was worth the 1/2 credit, but not they changed it all up. I hate it.

We don't have swimming though. I wouldn't be comfortable enough to swim anyways. Yes, the routine is great. I like how we get ready, do attendance, do stretching, we walk, and then we can choose the activity or weight room. I am mainly in the weight room because I am lazy and I can get away with doing some stuff and then just sitting there.
We had 2 semesters of required basic "gym" that focused one semester on individual sports and one semester on team sports, and then after that you could take stuff such as dance, weight training, etc.

I think back to how lazy everyone was in my classes, during the mile run they'd just go as slow as possible so they can beat their time the next two times we had to do it, while I was always pushing myself to get the best possible time even my first attempt because I wanted to do my best haha.
Yeah, it is required for us now too. It used to not be like that. Well, it was only for 9 weeks and it'd be the credit, now it is 18 weeks and you take two different classes and you will get your credit. I hate it. We don't have to do that mile run crap. We do something called the "Pacer". Where we run back and forth from one end of the gym to the other. I got up to like 10 and was done. I felt like utter crap. Everyone else was hitting in the 50's. I think I am like the only lazy one in my gym class. Or it could be just that I am a Senior and pretty much fed up with school. Senioritis, yes yes.
Senioritis :headbang: :lol:

I have two online courses so I'm only actually at school for the first two hours.
It's hard to actually do them when there are many other things that I could be doing with my computer.

Contemplating ways to make some changes in my life to make me less unhappy all the goddamn time.

Same. I procrastinate like hell though and it always turns into "I'll start tommorow".
Oh, yeah, that is tough. I would be no good at that. I wouldn't be doing my work at all if I were to be doing it on the computer. I just missed like a whole week of school because I was sick the flu, but tomorrow starts it back up. I am dreading to go because it felt so good to sleep in and not do a thing of something lame. Plus, I have to pass all my classes to meet graduation requirements. I suck at school and plenty of other things.

And procrastanation is my thing too. It's always tomorrow, but before you know it, 3 months have blown right by. I need some motivation. I got to get this going.