The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

We also have this senior project crap and my idea was I'd just throw shit together a day or two before it was due. The problem is that they have all these deadlines for stuff that is supposed to help you complete it.
So by helping me out with it they have fucked up my routine :lol:.
I failed my first semester online courses (stopped doing one and then stopped doing the other so I wouldn't have to go in and talk about why I wasn't doing the other class). It sort of sucks though because I havn't failed a class before, but I've sort of stopped giving a shit about everything this year.
I've all but given up on senior year due to the fact that I've been accepted and had college nonsense sorted out since the beginning of January. My teachers seem to have done the same, as I'm still getting all As despite doing absolutely nothing outside of school coupled with skipping once or twice a week. The only thing I'm concerned with now is the Calculus AP test (which I probably won't take anyways because I'll retake Calc 1 in college) and university getting on my ass about missing too much school.
Chilling and waiting for my mom to get home so I can go pre-order Pokemon Soul Silver and buy a used copy of Pokemon Emerald.
For my second gym class I took outdoor ed. We got to build fucking igloos and go canoeing in the school pool. Shit was so fucking awesome.

I'm pretty sure I'm all set to graduate, but I'm going to check with my guidance to make sure everything is all set.

High school sucks.
Being happy that I finally got mbox2 for my birthday, while basking in the glory that is Orphaned Land's newest album. Even better than Mabool.
Devasya Chāyā;8898002 said:
I'm gonna choose Totodile, and then transfer in four pokemon eggs.


I will choose Cyndaquil even though I usually choose Water for my starter...I feel like a challenge this time. Has it been confirmed you can get 4th gen Pokemon right from the beginning?
You guysssssss. I miss my senior year of high school, it was a wonderful time full of hideously embarrassing mistakes but many triumphs. I also was too cool to eat, so I looked great in graduation photos.

/ceaseless reminescing
some days I regret not finishing/being in High School. Whatever, everything has its pros and cons. There is alot I couldnt have done/achieved if I was in School still, but the same can be said for being in School.
Finally have my internet again. Enjoying some bacon atm. I was with this girl I know yesterday like for the whole day and when I returned home I was like "fuck, was that a date?" and I fucking hate this. And it was not. I even went to bead-shop with her which is like, wtf, why did I do that.
Yeah, it is required for us now too. It used to not be like that. Well, it was only for 9 weeks and it'd be the credit, now it is 18 weeks and you take two different classes and you will get your credit. I hate it. We don't have to do that mile run crap. We do something called the "Pacer". Where we run back and forth from one end of the gym to the other. I got up to like 10 and was done. I felt like utter crap. Everyone else was hitting in the 50's. I think I am like the only lazy one in my gym class. Or it could be just that I am a Senior and pretty much fed up with school. Senioritis, yes yes.

Oddly I never got that, it was the opposite with me. I couldn't give a fuck less about school for my first 3 years, but when my senior year came about I was all, "Shit I need to get my ass in gear" and ended up averaging a 4.1 GPA that year (overall barely hit a 3 though.)