The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just looks generally shitty in my opinion is all, well depending on the size I guess.

I've just never been a fan of body modification really barring tattoos if they count.

I never went too big. The biggest I ever went to was a half inch. And weirdly, as many times ever I let them close up and then redo them, my ears are not deformed or anything. I guess I am just lucky with that. I know I shouldn't since they are closed up, but nevermind. Maybe my ear not becoming deformed, at all is sign to keep them out. I actually enjoy piercings and tattoos, to an extent though.
Ah, I like piercings on others to some degree but it'd look funny as shit if I ever got any.

I've had plans to get tattoos over the years but everytime I decide upon one I become really unsure about it.
I'm sure you wouldn't look that bad. I always had that same feeling, but when I got my lip pierced, I actually thought I looked really good with it.

And yes, tattoos are a completely story. You think you want them, but when you put some thought into them, it becomes something else. I know I want a few and I am pretty sure on it too. But, tattoos are time, money, and tolerance. I don't have any of that right now.
I always seem to miss some words when typing. Dang me. I ment to say "And yes, tattoos are a completely different story." I always mess up.
I was hoping to prove you wrong by finding a route from India to Germany on Google Maps, but I couldn't get any farther than Pakistan.

Not sure what's supposed to happen when you get to Iran/Afghanistan, but apparently Google doesn't recommend trying.

:lol: :lol:

But I guess a lot of people did that voyage during the pre-extremist era.
Why is it as soon as I wake up, I want to get on here and myspace? And then do my morning routine based around this. It doesn't matter because that is what I am doing right now.
Browsing the forums is basically the first thing I do when I wake up, after getting food. Just makes the morning a lot less drab.
When I wake up in the morning and have nowhere to go yet then I brew myself a cup of coffee and browse fb and these forums. THEN I take a shower. Also, I don't do breakfasts.
Browsing the forums is basically the first thing I do when I wake up, after getting food. Just makes the morning a lot less drab.

I usually wake up, browse a few forums and drink coffee, go downstairs for food and eat, then check the forums again. It's similar to when people read the paper when they first wake up.