The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've experienced sexual things, I know the noises and all that. It's not that gross. I'm just ready to move on with my life.

And sloughfegkillers, thank you for that. I and everyone else has to be careful. There could be some real weirdos out there.
^haha not much you can do but wait it out....or stick you fingers down your throat.

Ugh extremely bored again, i have some Anthony Bourdain to catch up on so i'll probably be hooked for at least 5 hours.


edit: :lol: the more I look at this the more it looks like a striking success.

had band practice, came home and took a pasty shit


I'm at university, it's orientation day and there are so many 17 year old kids around. There's also the Curtin Bible Union, the Curtin Christian Club and about 50 million other Christian clubs handing fliers out. It makes me want to go berserk, talk about forcing religion down people's throats. Might go to the tavern and have a nice cold one with some mates soon and laugh at all the kids.
Dont get him started. :(

Listening to a Vital Remains album...

Been pretty run down lately... starting to lose sleep at night and just generally not be hungry at all. Oh the wonders of being a soon to be parent. :lol:
Forever Underground at the moment. The first three are my favorites. The newer stuff I really need to sit and let them sink in.