The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I been and still am messing with my oil pastels and I am so freaking dirty from them. It is so awesome. I got some great work done. Other than Subway messing up my order and someone else (in my house, I'm not sure who) eating my new sandwhich then that forcing me to eat a blueberry bagel for dinner. I wonder what else I could do today. It has been a prosperous day.
ok so I if Have HA + H20 <----------> H30+ A- how much of the acid (HA) will be affected (increase, decrease, no effect,don't give a fuck, fuck you, etc) if the following changes are made

1) additional water is added
2) A trong acid (HCL) is added to solution
3) the salt NaA is added to solution
4)a strong soluble base (NaOH) is added to solution

this is serious
ok so I if Have HA + H20 <----------> H30+ A- how much of the acid (HA) will be affected (increase, decrease, no effect,don't give a fuck, fuck you, etc) if the following changes are made

1) additional water is added
2) A trong acid (HCL) is added to solution
3) the salt NaA is added to solution
4)a strong soluble base (NaOH) is added to solution

this is serious

1) H2O will act as the conjugate acid and will want to give a proton to HA, therefore concentration of HA will decrease. Your concentration of H+ ions will increase though.

2) HCl has more chance to react with H2O as it is a stronger acid and also due to Cl's higher electronegativity. HA will remain the same, no effect.

3) Concentration of HA will remain the same. Salt's are USUALLY almost neutral, but even then because of the higher electronegativity of Na compared to H, Na+ and A- ions will form, and have more chance of reacting with H2O.

4) Concentration of HA will decrease dramatically because of the strong base.

Hopefully this is correct, I haven't done chemistry like this in over 2 years so forgive me if I get these basics mixed up.
2) I had thought that hydrochloric acidwould break up in olution forming H+ ions and Cl- and the protons would interact with the A- in the equation forming more HA so it would be increase....?

3) is it no effect because that particular reaction has no effect on the dissociation/reassociation (Q) of the acid in solution?
my e-crush on Episteme is growing.

I had a real pasty shit, it was like brownie batter left in the bowl.

I am pretty firm on Bloodstock and am pricing flights. $1,134 roundtrip from Fukuoka to London Heathrow, but via Aeroflot...may opt for the $1,598 Thai Airways flight instead.
Having a can or three of Canadian Club and just started listening to a wad of cds that just arrived from Aquarius,True Widow sound pretty fucking rad so far.Got my Beherit tatt yesterday, came out spot on...probably end up pissed tonight.:kickass:
I am pretty firm on Bloodstock and am pricing flights. $1,134 roundtrip from Fukuoka to London Heathrow, but via Aeroflot...may opt for the $1,598 Thai Airways flight instead.

That's a shitload of money to spend on a concert. Wish I had an extra 2k+ to dump into my car loan.