The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Finally started using the new external hard drive I bought in October as my main documents/media drive, with my old one stashed away as a backup. Man it feels good to have a backup copy of my 240 GB of shit.
Going to New Hampshire this morning to tune another organ and earn some more cash. Then the girlfriend is coming for chicken cacciatore, then we'll go see Avatar (strangely neither of us has seen it yet). Flying to Rome tomorrow afternoon!
Jiminy Cricket is totally devoid of charisma, what is his business in any show?

To maybe entertain children and give positive views on life. I don't know. He is just there man.

Anyways, I am figuring out my chaotic schedule for the next 9 weeks. Let's just hope everything works out. Yeah. And eating fried chicken. So unhealthy, but so good.
Going to New Hampshire this morning to tune another organ and earn some more cash. Then the girlfriend is coming for chicken cacciatore, then we'll go see Avatar (strangely neither of us has seen it yet). Flying to Rome tomorrow afternoon!

Hope you have a fun trip.

I'm also expecting pics.
Well, I just took a few Unisoms and I am just waiting for them to kick in so I can pass out. My sleeping pattern is so messed up and this should do the trick. I love to sleep. I been waiting for this time to come since as soon as I woke up this morning. Oh and listening to some Dead Congregation to make the night more pleasant.
Will do captain, will do. I actually been meaning to do so, but not quite sure where to start. I mean I know where to find all the threads/topics, but I just seem to always find myself back here. And by the way, you wouldn't catch me listening to Beyonce or really anything of that kind. Yes, I do stray away from metal and listen to a variety of music, but there is so much I can take that is out of the metal category.
Listening to the antlers and waiting to fall asleep. might be a while since i slept from 3am to 3pm today already but i need to since i've got to get to work by 10 for our truck.