The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

My gf came into town to visit and we went out last night with my brother and his wife and a few of my cousins. Had a blast, drank a bit too much, burned one, and now basking in the glory of the hangover.
Hanging out with a new woman friend of mine. She's exceptionally attractive, has money, kids, a house, etc., and she's fine with not jumping into anything too fast. She's also too giving lol.
Well, I just got home from seeing Alice In Wonderland and personally, I thought it was fantastic. Although, I thought it could of been a little longer and some things added, but who am I do criticize? It was all around good.
Got back from checking out Columbia college in Chicago. Seems like a pretty cool place.
Also it seems like my depression/anxiety has stepped up it's game.
I've never felt more like blowing my head off. It's almost funny.