The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I would like a pizza, but there is no pizza in my immediate future unless I go to the fake Wal-mart or someone transport myself like 90 minutes to Hisayama to go to Costco, where I don't have a Costco card. The Costco pizza is GREAT though, only proper American pizza I have found in Japan

In the US you don't need a Costco card/Sam's Club card to eat at their respective cafe's, though its not worth a 90 minute drive. Well maybe if theres no other good pizza.

Try calling them and asking though.
Same here, that actually happened today, but if you tell them you're going to the Cafe they should be fine with it. The laws may differ from US to Japan, but in Nevada and California at least, no card is required to eat in the cafe.
You don't know about Toothpaste Perverts? Never shop for toothpaste in Japan, it's a sure way to get groped on the subway.
Nothing weirder than the orange mint and cinnamon we find in the USA.

Japanese toothpaste just sucks ass. It's weak as heck and feels like you're brushing with putty and doesn't give you that burning sensation that American toothpaste does. I think most of it lacks fluoride and whitening agents. Lots of bad teeth here, wonder why?
So, I went to the library to go get House of Leaves so I could continue reading it, and then the following happened:

Got there early so I had to wait in the cold. Once inside I found the book, went to go check it out, but the machine thing said there was something wrong with my account, so I get in the line for customer service. After a few minutes of waiting, the fucking fire alarm goes off and we all have to evacuate. I was thinking that it was just some sort of drill, but after waiting 5 minutes and seeing that the librarians were just waiting outside as well, I left.

Stupid library >:|
Finished the annoying procedure of applying to Singaporean universities and paid for my tickets for a Lamb Of God concert which is a month away. I'm having serious doubts about squandering that money. But it's the only metal 'festival' so far this year.