The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

whatever. Many of the punctuation "mistakes " were on purpose. Regardless, i could care less, im just trying to become a better writer and to generally learn more about writing.

If you want to improve your writing, I don't see how you can do that without using proper grammar and punctuation. That said, your call.
I have to learn all of the proper grammar and punctuation. My schooling was wasted because I never paid attention, and then I dropped out. So since I can't afford going back to school now, I'll just learn it through trial and error.

Regardless, I'm stoked on the blog so far :saint:
Just sitting back listening to Pure Holocaust in the dark at 4 in the morning, after a hard night of work. I'm sore and have a headache but fuck this is good stuff.
I just woke up and I feel great.

That is so wonderful Dakryn. 9 1/2 pounds is pretty big, but I bet he is healthy and that is all that matters. My oldest cousin is pregnant and her and her husband are having a boy, he is due in September though. I am excited for the arrival.
I have a physics exam next week, and holy shit, there are millions of formulas that i should learn, which are really confusing.
Yeah, according to Wiki, they now call it "faltering growth"...basically, when I was a kid, I barely gained weight no matter what I did, and was off the percentile charts for my age most of the time in both height and weight :lol:
Got a 9 1/2lb baby boy. Did not miss it :p . At the hospital now on wifi, can't sleep. Thanks for the well wishes.


I'm under the impression you're short. Like, phelpsian short. I weighed about that much when I was born, and I'm about 6'4 now.
There are humorous height-related situations in your future, about 14 years down the road.