The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


I'm under the impression you're short. Like, phelpsian short. I weighed about that much when I was born, and I'm about 6'4 now.
There are humorous height-related situations in your future, about 14 years down the road.

That's kind of weird. My younger brother was in the 9 pound range aswell when he was born and right now he is just as tall as you. He 6'3, 230 pounds. Maybe when boys are on the bigger side when born, they grow to be giant monster men.
He must be either fat or really really strong, since I'm an inch taller, slender, with average muscle, and only 185ish.
He is really really strong. He works out like crazy. When it comes to working out, I am not sure what is "good" or "bad", but he can bench press and curl over his own weight. He is real active aswell with sports. He is monstrous, but he also has a crazy appetite. He eats whatever, whenever, but gains no weight where it makes him look fat or like a slob.
I probably just got one of the best messages today, this Summer is going to be interesting.

And that does look like a neat place, vihris-gari. I would go check it out if I was you. Have fun.
So what is it?

Well, within an hour or so after this first message, I got another one. So, this kind of have three parts to it. I will be traveling a little and I will be getting a visit from someone. This person ment a lot to me and it just kind of just faded between us (I think, I could of took everything wrong), but this will be neat and I am excited. And, I got an apprenticeship to work for this tattoo artist I know. I would like to do tattoos, but it is not the most stable job in the world. If I can make money with something I take interest in for a bit, I am going to do it.
I'm playing poker online, look at my last nice hand, four of a kind!!!


btw, i'm vcpredator.

I'm under the impression you're short. Like, phelpsian short. I weighed about that much when I was born, and I'm about 6'4 now.
There are humorous height-related situations in your future, about 14 years down the road.

I think Andy and I are the same height. But big babies run in mine and my wife's families so I don't think it really has a lot to do with future height. I was like 8 and 1/2 lbs when I was born and longer than my son, but that obviously didn't mean anything :erk:

That said, he takes after one of my 6'+ grandparents in the looks department, so it's definitely possible.
Eating corn chips with homemade bean dip. I slept through a lot of the day because I was sick, but I feel better now.

The art museum definitely rules. I'll have to go back when I'm not feeling so icky.
That's kind of weird. My younger brother was in the 9 pound range aswell when he was born and right now he is just as tall as you. He 6'3, 230 pounds. Maybe when boys are on the bigger side when born, they grow to be giant monster men.

Not true, I was premature, and could fit between my mom's writs and the bend of her elbow when stretched out.