The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Not a sext. I saw a hambeast on a mobility scooter at Target and felt it necessary to tell someone about it. She was probably 400 lbs or so and had a really tragic butch dyke haircut and all these terrible cheap looking tattoos on her arms. She was yelling down the aisles at her boyfriend "WHERE'D YOU SEE THE NUTTER BUTTERS?!"
Just got back from my friend's birthday party and man, it has been forever since I've hung out with her but great time. Made a few new friends too which is always nice.
You make Albany seem so charming.

It's a hole, but it's home.

I'm currently framing this photo as an all-American gift to my British friend.

Messing around on the Pandigital Novel that I got last night. It's a full color (LCD screen) eReader, that can browse the web, view pictures, movies/vids etc. Touchscreen too. Obviously not as fast and sleek as the iPad, but for $179.99 it's definitely worth it. Plus with the help of torrents, most books/graphic novels and so on will be free.
just moved all my records from the crate in which my record player was on to a crate dedicated to just storing records. Although, I'm thinking about piling the two crates together, so I sorta have a shelf.
Hung out with Cookiecutter. Nick is a beautiful man with strong, graceful hands. I felt very secure in his presence.
I'm on the fucking Greyhound bus goddamn it. WIRELESS!

I totally cried when I was leaving. My parents just looked so sad standing there all trying not to cry. It must be hard when you are retired and boring to have your only child come home for 2 weeks, run around, hang out, and then go "k bye!" and fuck off to the other side of the world for another year, you know?
How come you get decent wireless on the greyhound? When I took it last week I could only get interwebs when the bus was next to the terminal.