Going to New York with the family tomorrow...down tomorrow, back Sunday. Seems like a total waste of time for such a short trip but I'll get to hang out with my bestest friend ever so it's all good. Also, pizza that doesn't suck ass. Seriously Montreal, wtf? I can only eat it when I'm drunk and even then I know it sucks.
Emergencies being; screwing a screw in, opening a box, filing a nail, measuring your penis, reading small print, sawing a stick in half, or cutting a piece of paper. lol
^^ I must have the 'Victorinox Swiss Army SwissChamp XAVT' this is an awesome collectors item and just a flatout cool 'thing'.Umm sorry it's different what the hell is that??
There's alot of poking and prodding and cutting that could be done with them.I don't know why the fuck i bought it but I was thinking of buying a pocket knife and i've always wanting one of these.A knife that can save lives as well as take them away!