The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm going to the bed!
Good Night!

Well I hope you have great dreams
I'm having trouble sitting, but I'm not tired or anything, I just woke up. Changed three chairs already, but each was a torture. Fuck. Anyways, drinking coffee.
I love the instrumental "With Swans I'll Share My Thirst." It might be one of the best instrumentals of all time. Could almost be a Tenhi song.
I'm sort of twitching involuntarily and my head hurts. Quitting smoking sucks but it needs to happen. Man-Purse is telling me a funny story about how some busted ugly middle aged Japanese woman tried to seduce him at a bar tonight. I feel disgusting because I didn't exercise today. Etc.
I need to go to pub right now but that would mean pausing Vomitous and actually go out. But I need it. I really need a beer. A lot. But I also don't want to stop this sound coming to my brain. But the brain needs a relief, yet I just can't. I'll have to wait till the EP ends.
Ah. See it's 11 am here so alcohol isn't on my mind at all. Besides, I think beer is fucking nasty. Except if it's a Shandy...