The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

All those marketing things are pretty much a lie to make people think they are getting something healthy. Kind of like paying more for "Cage Free" eggs. If you look into what the standards are to get that label, it's pretty ridiculous.

The trans fats at least was legit, they ARE bad for you. But most things that advertise no trans fats, still have all kinds of other unhealthy bullshit in them.
Also most normal food doesn't have trans fats does it? Unless you're eating chips and lard blocks and shit etc but who really eats that regularly?

(Wait, never mind...there was NUTTER BUTTERS sexpot in her mobility scooter cruising the snack aisles at Target and she was not the only one I saw)

The marketing ploys are totally transparent, I'm always blown away by how many people buy into them so blindly - fad diets and diet pills and whatever Trend of the Week is "healthy" at the supermarket. I probably have a fairly average diet and don't eat enough vegetables but even I can call bullshit when I see it presented to me in a "NOW WITH MULTIGRAINS" package
My girlfriend says cow milk is not meant for human consumption, for several scientifically-supported reasons (science is her thing). Apparently it's only tolerated by Northern European genetic groups (who I guess had that in their culture the longest, thus developing a tolerance for it) whose milk-drinking culture was imperialized to the rest of the world.
I figure it's all a crapshoot. Some people live to 90+ years old, smoking and drinking everyday of their lives, and then there are marathon runners who die when they're 50. we're all fucked. eat some fried chicken
(Wait, never mind...there was NUTTER BUTTERS sexpot in her mobility scooter cruising the snack aisles at Target and she was not the only one I saw)
I hope you know you've ruined Nutter Butters for me forever.

Northern European genetic groups

You guys go on with your food science stuff. Personally, I cba to pay attention to it. They change their minds about what's good and bad every week or so and never agree on anything. I eat what the fuck I want and haven't gotten fat or died yet so whatever. I don't consume soy in any form because imo that shit is gross.
That's BS Zeph, they serve cow milk in school cafeterias here and have for years and years. The older generations don't eat/drink as much dairy as the younger ones but they are not uniformly lactose intolerant.

Fried chicken is good. I'm excited about running later but worried that my breakfast/lunch of ten plums and a bunch of pro-shitting yogurt are going to cause grievous humiliation mid-run.

@WAIF haha yeah WORD. I always laugh at (not nice, I know) people with far healthier lifestyles than me who are constantly sick. I never sleep enough and smoke and I'm the healthiest person I know in terms of illness evasion.
Milk is meant to be consumed in a non-pastuerized form. Most of those so called "healthy" people who are sick all the time usually don't actually eat healthy, they just run through the fads.

Specifically, vegan people are generally unhealthy from my (limited) experience.
we sell raw milk at the grocery store I work at. it's only been flash pasteurized. it's pretty good...really creamy

I love milk. None of that non-fat skim milk bullshit though
ugh unpasteurized milk has cream floating on the top >_<

everyone is calling it the "MEDITERRANEAN DIET" but it's kind of obvious that eating lean proteins and vegetables and not ODing on starchy carbs is a good way to eat
Milk rules. Breakfast is not complete without sour milk. And who the fuck eats pancakes and drinks something else than milk to it?

I do you Swedish woman-child

Yeah I've also found this. They usually look pale & malnourished.

I wish I could see the images Pessimism posted, bet they are great

I am looking up nutritional information on plums since I ate 10 of them today. Nothing to do plus weaning myself off my smoking at work habit plus not bringing a good/real lunch --> hungry rage --> how the FUCK am I not going to pass out on my walk home? It is 35 C today. That's like 95-96 F.
I wish I could see the images Pessimism posted, bet they are great

I am looking up nutritional information on plums since I ate 10 of them today. Nothing to do plus weaning myself off my smoking at work habit plus not bringing a good/real lunch --> hungry rage --> how the FUCK am I not going to pass out on my walk home? It is 35 C today. That's like 95-96 F.

Only 35? Toughen up kid.
Visiting NYU today...

...will spend more time checking out the female student body and assessing the hipsterness than listening to the tour guide.