The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Completely squandering my little remaining time before starting school. I should be reading or partying or something instead of sitting around playing guitar and video games...
Listening to Mythical and Magical for the first time. HOLY FUCK.
Later will watch The 40 Year Old Virgin and consume ice cream. A day well wasted.
Miso is just fermented soybean paste, it makes great sauce for general use (meat, vegetables, tofu) as well as soup. The "soy revolution" of western nutrition trendsetting is dying as people recognize soy products are no healthier than alternatives, but the exceptions to this rule are fermented soy products like miso (delicious) and natto (fucking disgusting and looks/tastes like snot).

I'm just chillin. Feeling good about today for some reason. I had 5 plums and a nectarine for breakfast so I suspect I'm on some kind of sugar high. WAIF what kind of ice cream?
Well, it'll probably be Moosehead Lake Fudge (apparently everything associated with Moosehead Lake is made of fucking win) with a huge spoonful of peanut butter on it. All of my clothes are too loose, so maybe this will help.
The "soy revolution" of western nutrition trendsetting is dying as people recognize soy products are no healthier than alternatives, but the exceptions to this rule are fermented soy products like miso (delicious) and natto (fucking disgusting and looks/tastes like snot).

True. Soy is really fucking bad for you in an unfermented form. I cringe when I see people getting Soy milk and other shit for their kids. Fucking them up potentially for life. But then, people eat all kinds of other shit anyway so it can't be anyworse than McDonalds.
It's not BAD for you so much as it just lowers your sperm count and other non-essential functions amirite?

I like soy milk better than cow milk...
The soy companies have been collaborating with the government to poison our children long enough! I say we put a stop to the unfermented-soy-and-fluoride conspiracy once and for all!
If you kept up with news to any degree, you would know more and more towns are starting to either discuss dropping or already have dropped fluoride from their water supply. Regardless whether or not there is a conspiracy involved in adding it, it's not good for you.

I was blown away when I went home by how EVERYTHING was advertised as WHOLEGRAIN/MULTIGRAIN in the supermarket. Nutrition is a more fickle trend than women's clothing. 2 years ago it was NO TRANS FATS, last year it was HEALTHY SOY and now MULTIGRAIN WHITE MIXED WITH WHEAT PASTA is all the rage.

Fuck that.