The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Going to japan this weekend, going to spend the weekend in Tokyo before I leave Korea for more than likely forever. Hopefully a blast--going to pick what kind of bullshit I want to see the museum from Hayao Miyazuki's animation! that sounds awesome
If you want to get into the Ghibli museum you must book days in advance, get on that ASAP because you will be assigned a time to go. You can't just rock up and get in.

The Dogenzaka area in Shibuya is excellent for clubbing and there are lots of love hotels there. Though if you are traveling with military they may not let you in to the clubs there, so you should probably go to Roppongi. Most foreigners in Dogenzaka are well-dressed Europeans and model types.
you should not be such a mean spirited person

how popular are these Lawson Stores? IT says this is the only placeI can buy these tickets for the museum, but not sure how far in advance I can go
How am I mean spirited? You would fit in well, Roppongi is very popular with joes and chicks who will bang anything that's black or white.

There should be Lawsons stores everywhere in Tokyo. It's a Japanese convenience store chain, not sure if they exist in Korea.

There's information here about how to get tickets in advance from Korea. Get someone to translate for you.
You're welcome for the Ghibli museum link rms

Rumpole I've never been to Roppongi ever. I hate Tokyo tbh, Osaka is so much better and the people are way cooler.

I ate like 5 Chinese cabbages and went for a nice hour long jog and took a shower. Feel awesome.
Roppongi really is awful, but it's definitely worth seeing once or twice, preferably while well and truly sozzled, just avoid the Nigerians. I went to an Irish pub there quite a few times when I lived in Tokyo so I could watch rugby and AFL.

I've never been to Osaka, but heard it's really nice. I went to Fukuoka and quite a few other places in the south, which were very picturesque, as well as a few places around Nagano.
Osaka is so badass

Gas Panic truly is the pits.

If you want some good Metal record stores, try Record Boy in Koenji and Disc Hell in Shinjuku. Shit, just wander around Shinjuku and you'll find second hand record stores galore.

sweet man! appreciate it, I did blank for a second that there is an asian country with some sort of metal in their country :loco:

didn't mean to pass off that link Krampus, just happened to find that before your post :p

Hey rump how do I get to Koenji? Can't tell what the JR line is on the website, maybe Krampus you could tell me? thats the website, if you could I appreciate it.
sweet man! appreciate it, I did blank for a second that there is an asian country with some sort of metal in their country :loco:

didn't mean to pass off that link Krampus, just happened to find that before your post :p

Hey rump how do I get to Koenji? Can't tell what the JR line is on the website, maybe Krampus you could tell me? thats the website, if you could I appreciate it.

Koenji's a few stops west of Shinjuku, it's on the Chuo-Sobu line. Two different names, but the same physical line.

Looks like the shop has actually moved since I was there last. It was tiny, but crammed to the walls with all sorts of killer stuff. The guys that worked there were really cool.

BTW I made a mistake with Disk Hell, it's actually called Disk Heaven. It's purely metal with some hard rock. They've got heaps of CDs and used records there, I got my copy of The Deluge from there. Probably the place I bought most stuff when I lived there.

Also go to Nat Records directly opposite Disk Heaven. It's probably more punk than heavy metal, but they are direct stockists for labels like Miskatonic, NWN etc. Really worth checking out, (link to their actual website isn't working for some reason).

Disk Union (massive chain of record stores) have specialist stores for lots of different genres, eg ones for jazz, rock, blues, punk etc. There are specialist metal ones in Shinjuku and Ochanomizu (close to Akihabara) that are really worth checking out. They have new and used sections and the one in Ochanomizu literally has a different floor for all the major subgenres!