The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Well it depends on how much mayonnaise you put in. I only put in one small spoon full.

I usually just put in the hot sauce I got out of the fridge, got it from the food coop.

but really, when it comes to guacamole, the best part is the avocado, that's why I don't try to butcher the taste.
just read this on the youtube comments for panama

"i just downloaded ALL the van halen albulms (not van hagar) and put them on my ipod, shortly after my ipod stopped working and itunes said it was curropted. i think what it meant to say was the ipod could not handle the extreme fuckin awesomness that it was subjected to...VH for life there will never be anything better NEVVVVERR"
At the airpo't now, chillin wit my peeps at the gate. It's a partayyyyy.

Speaking of parties, there's actually a Sam Adams bar here, didn't know there was such a thing. I'm quite tempted to have a drink, but too nervous to hang out anywhere away from my gate since I'm an airport noob. Maybe on Monday when all the flying's done I'll hit it up.
is this your first flight Grant? GODSPEED.

I am sitting around in my underwear with a plastic bag on my head waiting for my hair dye to set because I DON'T HAVE WORK TODAY YAHHHH

Then going to a fairly gigantic party in the city tonight
Went to the first meeting of the Improv Everywhere UNLV group, and I'm going to be secretary. Hoping to get enough members to do a zombie walk throughout campus :kickass:
It's 3 30 in the afternoon and I'm still hungover as shit. Too many tequila shots last night completely erased my memory of anything past 10 and I'm still trying to piece it together. Didn't make it to either of my classes today and I don't think I'm going to be recovered enough to even think about drinking tonight. Fun night, though (I think).
Nice. I need one of those tonight. Looks like I'll be partying with the guys on my floor. I'd like to go out somewhere fun instead of drinking at home but whatever. I've got some two-six's of Fin Du Monde that require drinking.
Being amused.


God bless you Gary Busey.
best question ever

battle against each other, obv
and they are awesome
some will pick up random shit off the ground for you