The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Haha! wow! what an idiot! Only people who go to diploma mills and for-profit "universities" like Kaplan or UOP are fucking inbred morons who wouldn't survive a fucking semester in a real college. Why the hell would you not research the school before hand? and even if you did research why would you still go? huh? I mean, if you constantly see their commericals, especially during the maury hour, wouldn't you guess this cheap shit of a college is only in it for the money? ....*sigh*.....

not to mention their "diplomas" are worthless. For instance, Medical Office Specialist, wow... what a fancy word for SECRETARY!. How about, Nursing assistant? Holy shit! An assistant FOR AN ASSISTANT!!

You laugh, but nurses make like $80,000 a year
Just realized today that I hate drawing people with mustaches. Despite all their manly glory, when I draw someone who has one, they just don't end up looking as good as someone I drew who doesn't have one. Fuck mustaches.

And I should be sketching something, or reading art history but I just don't fucking care. I tried talking to the hot kid in class was awkward and I made an ass of myself. I wish I had just not bothered. And I've come to the conclusion that I will probably die a lonely spinster.

So, I think it's time to find some booze. Also going to look into making my own, just because I want to have my own tonic of sorts with a really cool name that everyone else thinks tastes like ass, but makes me a belligerent drunk.

Cheers to ending sobriety today.
Yeah nurses usually make no where near $80k. If anything the entry nurse makes between $35-$40k for an LVN, and $45k for an RN. The only way people usually make more is when they specialize and have a masters degree in said specialization (even then $80k is high). It also depends on where they are employed (so wages may certainly be lower than what I listed right now for new entries).
bacon, eggs, toast, and pancakes for dinner
punk band practice. was fun actually
then I rode my bike to my parents to trim my goat. lol

oh, and today was German/American day. So myself and another guy had Sausage and sauerkraut with marble rye bread. Was fucking amazing!
Venom + wishing i had someone to play Magic with me

and might actually get a full nights sleep, and hopefully wont have nightmares about bees again. :erk:
Just realized today that I hate drawing people with mustaches. Despite all their manly glory, when I draw someone who has one, they just don't end up looking as good as someone I drew who doesn't have one. Fuck mustaches.

And I should be sketching something, or reading art history but I just don't fucking care. I tried talking to the hot kid in class was awkward and I made an ass of myself. I wish I had just not bothered. And I've come to the conclusion that I will probably die a lonely spinster.

So, I think it's time to find some booze. Also going to look into making my own, just because I want to have my own tonic of sorts with a really cool name that everyone else thinks tastes like ass, but makes me a belligerent drunk.

Cheers to ending sobriety today.

Scan your pictures for me, I'll draw your mustaches. They'll be the manliest, most glorious mustaches you've ever seen.
Actually no. Because he never gave me his phone number and he says he's going to meet me in Boston tonight for the Triptykon concert.
I'm not laughing at nurses you baboon, I'm commenting on the profession that is nursing assistant, AN ASSISSTANT FOR THE ASSISTANT.

What's so funny about being gainfully employed in a somewhat skilled job? It's better than being on welfare or flipping burgers.

What's your job again?
What's so funny about being gainfully employed in a somewhat skilled job? It's better than being on welfare or flipping burgers.

What's your job again?

learning at A REAL UNIVERSITY, oh ya...and getting about 4k or so in grants every semester....which in 3 years has amounted to 20k...maybe more, I've lost count.

Funny? what the hell makes you think I'm laughing? what's so funny about bad business practices from for profit companies disguising themselves as real universities? Epecially in these though economic times, people are being taken advantage of.
If you have trouble getting a job after graduation, all those vocational school graduates who work as nursing assistants etc will have the last laugh.
I'm going to graduate school school > vocational tech for any employer who isn't an idiot.

I'm guessing you don't have these type of "schools" in your country so intead of telling you to shut the like most people do I'd rather give you an example that will.

Before going to school I was going to become a ******** technician. All I needed was to study a $75 book, which is really basic material, and take a test that cost about $150. A total expense of about $325! For a job with a starting pay of about $10 an hour. If you look at one of these for profit schools for ******** technician, like Kaplan,....the costs is about 12k. ya.....what are you gonna post now? huh? probably insult me because you have nothing better to post....well I'm ready ;P

******** = p harmacy