The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

went to walmart and bought some new pants. mine are all too big.
Was wearing a size 42, now im down to at least a 38. Im pretty sure I'll be in a 36 in no time.
Bought a size 38. fit much better than my other pants.
watched the first 45 minutes or so of TopGun. will finish it tomorrow maybe
Whoa there. I'm pretty sure 99.9999% of the time there aren't going to be any deadly pathogens in your drink if it sits around for 8-12 hours. I've survived for 25 years on an occasional leftover drink, so I don't think I need to get all germophobic over this.
I could break and enter and pee in your drink. Most of the time my urine is so clear it probably doesn't have any flavor and you would never know.

Great job on the pants Krig! I am trying to squeak by on just a couple pairs until I get to where I'm going but it sucks. The worst is the underpants because they are a bit too big now and it chafes my ass crack/chode where there is stubble.
Happened like 10 minutes ago. I was walking through the Chemistry building and suddenly had to puke. Been feeling like it all day and there was no bathroom close by. So I used a garbage can in an empty classroom.

And left it there. Surprise!
Speaking of juice... I just grabbed someone pom/cranberry juice...

I took a drink and thought... what the fuck?
Read the ingredients, and realize I'm drinking flavored apple juice.
I hate apple juice.
I made 1/2 ice tea, 1/2 lemonade. With powdered mixes, I didn't just leave iced tea out overnight in a cup and someone lemonaded on it...

Ah. I have to do this stupid paper thing. My friend from class gave me his and it sucks balls. It's pretty lame, I give him projects I've spent a lot of time on and actually worked to find the right answers, and he gives me this bs wrote in 20 minutes paper.

On another note, I'm sober for once. I haven't smoked or drank in the last five minutes and I think I might try to clean up a little bit.
Realizing I have no idea how to do my econ assignment that's due at 2:30 tomorrow because I've haven't gone to even half the classes and wondering how I even got to third year university with this little self-discipline.