The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Once an Educated man with a funny hat
Traveled to Maine, and on a bench he sat
Toward him came a funny cat
It was very orange
It was very fat
Indeed, it was very orange and fat
The man said, 'my, what luck is that'
And thereupon reached down to pat
The very large and orange cat
Taking care not to drop his funny hat

Now this bench, it just so happened that
In someone's private yard it sat
The man living there was quite a bat
Indeed, 'twas none other than Zephyrus' flat
Zephyrus peered through the window at
The man who wore the funny hat
And stroked his large and orange cat
He said, "I do not like the look of that!"
But the man could not stop petting this cat
So very orange it was
And very fat
Once an Educated man with a funny hat
Traveled to Maine, and on a bench he sat
Toward him came a funny cat
It was very orange
It was very fat
Indeed, it was very orange and fat
The man said, 'my, what luck is that'
And thereupon reached down to pat
The very large and orange cat
Taking care not to drop his funny hat

Now this bench, it just so happened that
In someone's private yard it sat
The man living there was quite a bat
Indeed, 'twas none other than Zephyrus' flat
Zephyrus peered through the window at
The man who wore the funny hat
And stroked his large and orange cat
He said, "I do not like the look of that!"
But the man could not stop petting this cat
So very orange it was
And very fat


Finally it's Friday night. This looks like a good weekend.
Finished tracking all vocal layers today! Songs are already sounding fucking awesome with just digital Boss GT8 distortion, gonna sound so much better once we get the guitar tracks reamped through a Laney GH100S, Framus Cobra, Peavey 5150II and VHT Pitbull.
^Don't know what all that shit is, but glad it's going well man.

Stiff as a board today after doing an 11km charity run yesterday. Pretty happy with my time of 52mins, especially since it's the first time I've run more than 5km in about 8 years.
Deciding not to drink next weekend. It's not that I black out and do crazy things, it's that I can't afford this shit. Every time I wind up spending more than I meant to, plus money on drunk food.

Oh, and the McGangbang is fucking delicious.