The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

you guys fucking rich or something?

Nah, quite the opposite really. We've been doing recording on a pretty tight budget we just know people with gear. It's lucky because our other guitarist is a sound engineer. I got the Framus Cobra after trading my Peavey 6505+ and some cash. Our bassist has a 5150II lying around because he used to play guitar. Our other guitarist picked up a really cheap Laney GH100S second hand. And we've got a friend who has a VHT Pitbull that's willing to lend it to us for reamping. We haven't spent much on the recording, except maybe buying mics and shit.
^Don't know what all that shit is, but glad it's going well man.

Stiff as a board today after doing an 11km charity run yesterday. Pretty happy with my time of 52mins, especially since it's the first time I've run more than 5km in about 8 years.

That's really great! It takes me that long to run 7-8k; I'm slow as beans. Going to run in the school "marathon" which is only a 5k, but it will be my first running race ever.

I'm just relaxing. Feel very zen and chill lately. I'm dreaming of outdoor markets and drinking a lot of tea.
Nah, quite the opposite really. We've been doing recording on a pretty tight budget we just know people with gear. It's lucky because our other guitarist is a sound engineer. I got the Framus Cobra after trading my Peavey 6505+ and some cash. Our bassist has a 5150II lying around because he used to play guitar. Our other guitarist picked up a really cheap Laney GH100S second hand. And we've got a friend who has a VHT Pitbull that's willing to lend it to us for reamping. We haven't spent much on the recording, except maybe buying mics and shit.
nice. isnt the pitbull supposed to be amazing?
Pitbull is fantastic

That's really great! It takes me that long to run 7-8k; I'm slow as beans. Going to run in the school "marathon" which is only a 5k, but it will be my first running race ever.

I'm just relaxing. Feel very zen and chill lately. I'm dreaming of outdoor markets and drinking a lot of tea.

I was pretty happy with that time. It was a very flat course, but I was also coming off only 4 hours sleep.

Planning to a triathlon for the first time, either this weekend or in a few weeks, depending on whether I want to do a moderate or hard core race. So either 400m open water swim, 20km cycle, 4km run or 1km swim, 30km cycle and 6km run.
I wonder why Grant changed his username.

I wasn't getting enough attention with all my recent online attention-whoring, so this is my last ditch effort to have people lavish it upon me like I crave it to be.

"Oh Grant, Grant, why have you changed your username? What could it mean? Is something the matter? Please, tell us all!"

A new identity, a fresh start, oh the possibilities! Anything could happen! How could one not be excited about this new development in my life, dear forum buddy?
Episteme said:
Yeah, so I've heard. I heard it's got a very dry sounding distortion and isn't everyone's cup of tea. But we've decided to give it a go and see how it sounds like and if it'll suit our music or not. Can't wait to try it out :D

Oh. What do you guys play. Im using an old Ampeg VH-140. It's what Suffocation used. And Dying Fetus still records with em.
Check out my youtube (Krigloch) to hear how it sounds
We play progressive extreme metal, for lack of better generalization. Link is in my signature. Check it out, even though our songs will sound a little different with updated riffs and passages and recorded better. We'll post rough tracks soon, once the reamping process is done. If you want, drop me an email and I'll send you a couple of pre-2nd layer vocals and pre reamping songs.

I've heard of the Ampeg, pretty darn good solid state head. I was actually eyeing that awhile ago after hearing that Suffocation used em. That vader cab is fucking awesome. Mate of ours has a 4x12 and it sounds monstrous with his Krankenstein playing brutal death metal, was thinking of borrowing the cab.
zabu of nΩd;9485289 said:
I wasn't getting enough attention with all my recent online attention-whoring, so this is my last ditch effort to have people lavish it upon me like I crave it to be.

The name is though like something Feathers & Flames would use.
zabu of nΩd;9485289 said:
I wasn't getting enough attention with all my recent online attention-whoring, so this is my last ditch effort to have people lavish it upon me like I crave it to be.

"Oh Grant, Grant, why have you changed your username? What could it mean? Is something the matter? Please, tell us all!"

A new identity, a fresh start, oh the possibilities! Anything could happen! How could one not be excited about this new development in my life, dear forum buddy?

I'm angry that your name isn't capitalized.

Zabu of NΩd!
Just got a new job. It's full time with benefits and pays significantly better than minimum wage. I'm looking forward to being able to afford all the stuff I've been putting off for the past year and a half, like CD's, instruments, recording, and bass lessons.