The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So this Saturday I was at this party and I met this über-hot girl and somehow (that must've been the way it went down) she gave me her address, becuase I just discovered it written down in the notepad section of my phone. What. The. Fuck. Like seriously. And the time at which it had been written down was like 12.30PM which makes it totally plausible. I mean, like there is no way I was surfing the net for her details at that time, not with the party being in full swing at that particular point in time. Like no way. Seriously.

So what should I do now? Call her? Text her? Bite the fucking bullet and realize she will never ever have a cuppa with me and just delete the note?

Give that bitch some buttsecks
Right now I'm thinking of moving my aching ass from my highly uncomfortable computer chair, to my very soft and cofortable tv chair and play Fallout: New Vegas. Going on an expedition to the snowy mountain range!

General Custers Black Hills Expedition will look like a fucking kindergarten sandbox exploration tour in comparison!
Goddammit, krig brought back the scrotum avatar. Guess I have to put him on ignore again until february or so.
Waiting for this to come in the mail:
