The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The best Subway sandwich is 6" turkey and provolone on toasted Italian Herbs and Cheese bread. A little lettuce, lots of baby spinach, red onions, banana peppers for crunch, and Sweet Onion dressing. YUM!

grant - save your gray hair in a time capsule!

krig - good job!
Devasya Chāyā;9524995 said:
I'm debating with myself about whether or not I should put active and passive verb stems in the language I'm creating.

The verb structure is already complex enough. It has twelve suffixes conjugated for person, and eleven verb stems that can be combined in different ways to express more compound tenses (like past progressive). The maximum number of these that can be put at the stem of the verb (logically, since some cancel each other out, like past and future, and habitual and instantive) is six.

Uh, technically wouldn't the language already contain both passive and active verb stems by the nature of subject predication/syntactical placement?
Uh, technically wouldn't the language already contain both passive and active verb stems by the nature of subject predication/syntactical placement?

Well, yes, but I was thinking of equating the verb stems to the different conjugations of verbs in the active and passive voices in Sanskrit. It's kind of a herp derp thing anyway, so I'm not going to put it in. I still have to write out the sandhi rules. >_>
I used to want to create a language in my teens, but was too lazy. You're the man dawg.

You need to pull a Magma and write music lyrics in it.
I'm already writing a war chant in it. I'm making the language in part for a fictional group of nine-foot crocodilian people.
I'm writing an epic fantasy novel and included in it is a bunch of nine-foot crocodilian people.
Listening to the new Atheist album, and I think I will just re-post my earlier post to avoid retyping it:

The guitar style has picked up way too much influence from other bands, almost like deathcore or something, the songs themselves sound like something Mastodon would have written a few years ago, and the vocals are horrendous.

They emphasize valuing education and athleticism equally and they live in a vast subterranean cave. The cave is lit by perpetual light coming from the crystal "ceiling" about as high up as a sky. Underneath their one large city lives a giant destructive beast that is sort of like a demon. A human sorcerer locked the way out of the city so that an evil sorcerer could not go in and receive the demon's power.
Right now I am picturing the Lizard guy from Spiderman, only on steroids and adderall.

It is awesome.

edit: Seriously, that's awesome as hell.
The twin kings of the city have a half brother who was born from one of the demon's eggs. He is 50+ feet tall and wrecks shit up later on during battles against humans.

Edit: Thanks, Pessimism.
I also have about 8 years of chemistry knowledge and 2 years of intensive HAZMAT handling and mitigation training.
Oh, okay. Just based that on the fact that I coulda written pretty much exactly the same thing based on the relevant scene in Breaking Bad.
Cronopio RAPE HER

Nah. I'm not that person.

Devasya Chāyā;9523285 said:
Isn't a cronopio a creature from a Latin American fantasy story?

It's a character from some of the Argentine writer Julio Cortázar's work. Wouldn't call the stories fantasy, though, at least not in the traditional sense.


Also the broad texted back saying "you promised to send me a book, stupid" (referring to a book of stories I wrote), I wrote back and said I would if she promised to give me a thorough evaluation of it later, meaning a full body massage (but I didn't write that) and she texted back "deal".

Not that this will lead to anything or whatever.