The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

since I knew her name from putting her into the system for the shot, I added her on FB. Now you might think this is creepy

It is creepy. There's your problem.

but she added me back.

She probably saw where you went to school and assumed you knew her from a class or something. Then upon finding out that you were the random stranger guy from the pharmacy she didn't want to be friends, which is understandable.

Pretty shady on your part.
Ye are likely correct. Don't think there was really any other way to handle it so whatever. They're not really her medical records though lol, just an easy way to give people a flu shot who've already gotten prescriptions there before. Only knew her name cuz I was told it. Not like I had to pry to get it. But you're probably right that the message creeped her out. It was clearly pretty harmless but girls are weird.

I can see how it would be considered creepy but I figured the add-back meant she remembered me or, since she accepted it so quickly, was hoping I would've remembered her and was proven right, since we had exchanged glances and stuff and I had kind of joked around with her when she first came to the counter.

Regardless I don't particularly care how shady it was. I took a chance that perhaps it was just a missed connection that could've become something, and I gave it a shot the only way I knew how given the circumstances. Don't really regret it, no matter how weird it seems. Life's too short to feel 'creepy' just because you wanted to get to know someone and initiated contact the only way possible after initial face-to-face contact had failed.
Oh man. I went back and read it. From her medical records? I would have done the same, but messaged "ew" or something before defriending.
Zeph has it right. You would have been better off not doing anything and seeing if she comes in again, since then you could chat her up properly.
She came in, came to the counter, said she wanted a flu shot (and was with her father, so I felt pretty intimidated and didn't have time to talk to her anyway), I asked her name, put it in the thing, her name/DOB/insurance info popped up and I can't see any of her "medical records" aside from what other prescriptions she has gotten filled there (which I didn't even look at/care about). I think that hardly constitutes creepy really; she had to give me her name to get the shot. I remembered it because I'm great with names. It actually took me like 10 minutes to remember the last name though :lol:

and meh, I'm pretty impatient with shit like that. Not like I was planning on marrying her, she just seemed cool and I wanted to chat her up. Don't need to get my hopes up that she'll come in again, esp. cuz I'd never seen her before.
Can't say you didn't try. I suppose if she were interested, it wouldn't matter how you got her info. Better luck with another!
totes mcgotes. I just hate how judgmental people can be (esp. girls since they're really the only people a straight guy "tries" to have a relationship with, platonic or romantic anyway). Like, seriously, I knew your fucking name because you told me it. It isn't like, if there were a site that could search for people by their scents, I'd put what she smelled like in then found her because of a positive scent-match then sent her a message telling her how great she smelled. I mean, that's creepy. Your name is fucking public information that is easy to learn when being told it.

I think she was Jewish anyway, though, and you all know how much I hate der Juden. Not really but I don't think I could deal with having another girlfriend who is religious/spiritual even to some mild degree.
For sure, for sure. It just wasn't a match made in Jew-heaven. Don't write off die Juden though, most American Jews are pretty darn secular and usually come from money!

:lol: win
So this Saturday I was at this party and I met this über-hot girl and somehow (that must've been the way it went down) she gave me her address, becuase I just discovered it written down in the notepad section of my phone. What. The. Fuck. Like seriously. And the time at which it had been written down was like 12.30PM which makes it totally plausible. I mean, like there is no way I was surfing the net for her details at that time, not with the party being in full swing at that particular point in time. Like no way. Seriously.

So what should I do now? Call her? Text her? Bite the fucking bullet and realize she will never ever have a cuppa with me and just delete the note?
Text her. In detail. Get nuts!

Take Costanzas advice/attitude...

or even Mr Keaton

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I'm currently taking a quick break from writing my paper on stupid psycho-neural identity theories.

Paper is due thurs and my procrastination is still trying to take from me my time!
Cover your entire body in plastic, except for your hands (wear gloves, duh). Do not walk on any surface that isn't hard, and avoid any particularly dusty floor or any floor with a substance on it that could leave a print. DO NOT GRIP ANYTHING TOO HARD. As for getting rid of the body, dissolve it completely in acid, then dump all that shit in a river or something. Get rid of the plastic you wore when you killed before going back home and clean your own house.

Or you can open all of the windows in the apartment (remember, no prints of ANY KIND, including ear, lip, etc.) and leave the corpse there. If it's winter, the time of death will be a lot harder to determine. Kill the person with an icicle, so the murder weapon will literally melt away.

Oh, and in the struggle, make sure to touch the person as little as possible, because the gloves can be identified by contusions. Or, if you use a gun, do something that would alter the signature of the inside of the gun barrel, so that when ballistics analyzes the bullet from the body, the mark on it will not match any that will come from your own gun.

Wipe away all blood, too, thoroughly, and make sure the blood does not get on surfaces that will absorb it. The spatter will allow the crime scene examiners to gain more insight into the struggle and the cover-up.

If you get rid of the gloves immediately afterward it looks suspicious. Just keep the gloves and make sure that nothing is left at the scene that can identify them.

I felt too lazy to quote the previous posts since I'm only on here for a short period of time. This is just my two cents from studying forensic science in school.