The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Anyone have any idea of how to best get rid of a dead body in a discrete way? 'For example', let's 'pretend' we're in a third floor appartment, would it be preferable to chop the body up in the appartment in order to easily smuggle pieces out in bags, or to put the whole body in a garbage bag right away? The problem with chopping up a prostitute in my appartment is that there'll be a lot of noise, and moreover, if someone eventually finds the buried parts it would be extremely bad to have blood fragments around the whole appartment. I don't think I have the stomach for doing that sort of thing in the first place either. On the other hand, I don't think I can carry a body that long, and it's risky to drag it around in the open down the stairwell and out towards the car. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to appear like I've got nothing to hide while dragging the bag, and go about it in a no-nonsense way, in order for people not to get suspicious.
Anyone have any idea of how to best get rid of a dead body in a discrete way? 'For example', let's 'pretend' we're in a third floor appartment, would it be preferable to chop the body up in the appartment in order to easily smuggle pieces out in bags, or to put the whole body in a garbage bag right away? The problem with chopping up a prostitute in my appartment is that there'll be a lot of noise, and moreover, if someone eventually finds the buried parts it would be extremely bad to have blood fragments around the whole appartment. I don't think I have the stomach for doing that sort of thing in the first place either. On the other hand, I don't think I can carry a body that long, and it's risky to drag it around in the open down the stairwell and out towards the car. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to appear like I've got nothing to hide while dragging the bag, and go about it in a no-nonsense way, in order for people not to get suspicious.

Just leave it there.
1. Chop the body up
2. Put in ziplock bags
3. Tell suspicious on-lookers it is just left-over thanksgiving dinner
5. Profit
Currently watching old Spiderman cartoons.

On yellow pages I searched for Bruce Wayne. The first ten I called were unreachable because they had their numbers changed and the new ones were not listed. The first Peter Parker I called was answered by a woman. I told her to tell Peter he's been compromised. She said "excuse me?" then I replied "I know he's spider man." She laughed and I hung up. That was fun.
What's up with girls? I know we get these posts a lot but this shit is whack.

A girl came in to the pharmacy I work in to get a flu shot. She was with her father. She was wearing a sweater emblazoned with the logo of the university I attend, so I assumed she attends it as well. I wanted to chat her up cuz she was cute and looked nice, but I was too busy. Later on that day I bit the bullet and, since I knew her name from putting her into the system for the shot, I added her on FB. Now you might think this is creepy, but she added me back. I was pretty pumped to say the least, because, to guys, that pretty much means she is at least either mildly interested and/or remembers you. Girls will just ignore you if they don't know you or don't want to get to know you. So I figured, hey cool she added me back. I sent her a message just saying "hi just letting you know I am so and so person and I wanted to chat with you but I couldn't really get the chance so I figured I would contact you here!", but I phrased the above in a pretty congenial, non-threatening and goofy way to just be nice. And she removed me from her friends.

She's a dickweed.

I've got cold hands. Teachers keep trying to feed me candy. The overnight staff trip Friday night was a fantastic time, everyone got drunk and started asking me for diet advice like I'm Richard Simmons or some shit. Had a really nice time chatting with everyone. It's hilarious how Japanese workers do a total 180 and turn into real people once you've fed them booze.
Anyone have any idea of how to best get rid of a dead body in a discrete way? 'For example', let's 'pretend' we're in a third floor appartment, would it be preferable to chop the body up in the appartment in order to easily smuggle pieces out in bags, or to put the whole body in a garbage bag right away? The problem with chopping up a prostitute in my appartment is that there'll be a lot of noise, and moreover, if someone eventually finds the buried parts it would be extremely bad to have blood fragments around the whole appartment. I don't think I have the stomach for doing that sort of thing in the first place either. On the other hand, I don't think I can carry a body that long, and it's risky to drag it around in the open down the stairwell and out towards the car. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to appear like I've got nothing to hide while dragging the bag, and go about it in a no-nonsense way, in order for people not to get suspicious.

I assume you are writing a novel, and you need this information for character/story progression.

First things first you damn novice, you don't spatter over your personal belongings.

Create a one-use garrote, and after your character has used it, be sure to grab hold of the body till it dies. No vocalizations will occur after the use of the instrument as the air channel will be completely sealed off.

Next, if you plan on dismembering it in the apartment, be sure to bleed your meat before dismemberment. Usually a carefully placed puncture in an artery is enough to drain the body if gravity is helping you - be sure to have a basin around to catch the fallout. Afterward's place the body in your tub, and cut into 3 inch sections; eventually when sections get to be too large you may start cutting into cubes (or other small sizable pieces)

When you have all your pieces cut, there are many ways you can handle a situation, but since you only asked for a method of concealment, your best choice is a plain old dufflebag. Line the interior with multiple industrial strength garbage bags to avoid any potential leakage, and place only what you can carry (average 50lbs). Be sure to place a lock on the bag just in case. This bag after all has very important things in it, perhaps things like weights and other gym materials, or possible computer accessories. Take a trip every two or three days, you have time.

Post processing is another manner entirely.

Alternatively: Boiling is one option that is definitely a good area to explore. If you boil enough water - enough to fill up your tub for example - and leave it for a good length of time, you can avoid cutting up the body as the meat will fall right off. Afterward's just scoop up the liquified remnants and either use the garbage disposal or for plant feeding (must be very careful with the latter route, as it is still traceable - with a liquified victim and a garbage disposal, all one needs in a healthy amount of ammonia to destroy anything in the drain). The remaining skeletal features may be disassembled and bagged for future destruction. I recommend a secluded place on your characters or characters friends property where they have access to a belt sander, or anything else than can be used to grind bones into nothing.
"She's a dickweed" means she isn't worth your time, drop her, she sucks at life, she treated you bad, move on, bitches ain't shit

The rest is just a sumup of my teachers' trip. Japanese people are uptight as fuck at work but let loose completely once they've had a drink or two. We were running around with Mexican wrestler masks on and Emphysema-sensei was doing the Cornholio thing with his shirt.
wat. I didn't even know her, I was just trying to get to know her. She didn't really "treat" me like anything, just played passive-aggressive, which is definitely irritating. Ohwell.
My interpretation is that it did creep her out that you got her name from her medical records. She probably friended you in case it was for some other reason she didn't know, but your message confirmed nothing other than you being interested in her. Doesn't matter how you worded it.