The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

ugh, so hard to pace oneself on the first night of a vacation, haha. I just about exactly hit my limit last night -- still somewhat tipsy now. Not sure if I'll puke this morning, probably not although I'd kinda like to.

May have lost my phone last night. Called mike from the hotel phone after waking up and subsequently learned that it was three hours earlier than I thought it was because my computer still tells eastern time, so I probably woke him up lol. Sorry about that dude.

Gah, now I have more of a stomach ache than nausea. Need to get back to sleep.

Why are you in LA currently?

My opinion has been independently validated.
As far as the smell, I realized that it was actually old weed. The smell is all over venice beach.
Sitting at work feeling my guts rejecting all the junk food I ate over the weekend. Fuck everything. Wearing pants that fit 28 lbs ago. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. Monday.
I still have not had that stuff. I want to buy some, but I don't want to smear it on bread.... I need fancy bread... like wafers or some shit.
Having a beer and watching Dollhouse. Why does life hate Joss Whedon?

The universe will never forgive that bastard for making Buffy the Terrible Teenage Angst Fest Slayer.

His Penance was Firefly, and yet he failed at keeping it on air. He should have cut his damn arms off to keep that show around.
I had two donuts and Urquell for breakfast. I'm going to spend this whole day at school so I have to keep myself in a better mood by doing those "little things". I usually end up being fucking drunk but w/e.
Today was yet another national holiday. I did some shopping in the city and bought $25 worth of Christmas cards. Saw the new Harry Potter movie, it was awesome. So many goddamned hot dudes in it. I had forgotten how weak I am for creepy dudes with long hair who are wizards.