The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Finished my last final paper of the quarter. Now I'm having an Old Rasputin Imperial and wasting time that I can now afford on the internet. Gonna go out and get good and drunk tonight.
Finished my last final paper of the quarter. Now I'm having an Old Rasputin Imperial and wasting time that I can now afford on the internet. Gonna go out and get good and drunk tonight.

Last finals are tomorrow. Making plans for Friday. Current plan is for two other people to come over and we'll split a 24-pack and play the Always Sunny drinking game all day, then hit the town till last call and then get poutine around 4 AM.
Who the fuck are all these bitches up in this shit

(im eating potato salad btw)

(fuck off)

(the bitches, that is - not you)

(unless you're a bitch)
Krow said:
Did Krow say that?
No he didnt.
FYP for maximum racism/stereotyping/whatever.
That is YOUR message. I don't know what "FYP" means, but the rest is clear. In other terms, you wanted to say "Italians = Mafia, spaghetti, Berlusconi, dickheads, nothing else". And then I should not get pissed off?

If you meant anything else, nothing racist, I APOLOGISE and that's peace.
Ugh, fuck me and spending a whole day at uni. Yesterday I felt like Derek in my anatomy class. This beautiful blonde came to sit next to me and I didn't even know what to say cause I was so exhausted from being here for so long. I have chemistry now and then beer with this other blonde who's horsechick's friend, the one who beat me up once. I really need Urquell and her presence to survive this fuck of a day. Also, snow is bullshit.

EDIT: Also, she still complains that I still complain about something so maybe I'm really becoming a bitch of smoe sort.
That's how I am with work at the moment. 12 hour days, no breaks, flat out the whole time. Weekends too. I get out of work and either crash or get too drunk. Had my first hearing in the Supreme Court this week though, won too. Fuck I need this Christmas break to arrive.
That's how I am with work at the moment. 12 hour days, no breaks, flat out the whole time. Weekends too. I get out of work and either crash or get too drunk. Had my first hearing in the Supreme Court this week though, won too. Fuck I need this Christmas break to arrive.

Sounds rough man.Glad you won on the El Supremo.As for me been helping this dude to save dogs.The bloke's supposedly a hard dude but as per usual I was too nice and eventually I got pissed off and fucking let him know what I think of him..but that's me,either too nice or wanted to punch ppls teeth down the back of their throat.I think it's just a lack of confidence and it can mean big trouble if you feel you've been pushed into a corner!
I'm chatting with a Mormon about the Sumerian origins of many biblical stories and messages.