The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Felt shitty all day. Went out drinking last night, consumed a colossal amount of beer. Didn't get too drunk (remember everything), actually had a fun drunk talk...but. Went to bed at 6:30 and woke up at 10. Been awake ever since. Tired but can't sleep. Also, my stomach just feels queasy from having that much beer in it. Didn't get any studying done today. Not that I ever do...


Is the picture a specific reference to something, or are you just implying that my life is like film noir? 'cause that would be kinda awesome, but I'm pretty sure those guys drink hard liquor.
I'm pretending you wrote "Hello Krampus, enjoy my tongue" and giggling.

Just had curry udon noodles for lunch. So good. One more class. Going to the mall after work for SUBWAY and Baskin Robbins. I need to buy chickpeas and lentils.
Yesterday, i accidentally deleted my partition which contains the windows installation and millions of other important stuff. Now, i'm trying to recover them one by one.
Hello people =)

I just have finished doing the laundry, sweeping the floor and cleaning everything.

So right now I'm sitting in front of the PC with a huge fan aiming at me :D

I have to go to the doctor later, it seems that there is something wrong with my thyroid.
The problem is that it is terribly hot and damp today and I just don't want to go outside... I'm going to melt :erk:

If you want to trade places for a while let me know, northern virginia is getting buried in snow right now.
Hope all goes well with the medical stuff Yula. I'm freezing cold in southern Japan, let's trade weather.

SentinelSlain you will be pleased to know I declined to buy chickpeas and lentils and bought borlotti beans instead.
zabu of nΩd;9627511 said:

If you want to trade places for a while let me know, northern virginia is getting buried in snow right now.

Thank you! :worship:

I'd love that. :D Buenos Aires' weather suck.... it's mild and very damp. In winter there is this wind that carries a lot of water from the ocean, so it is rainy all the time.... but it is not cold enough to get any snow. Lame.
Summer is alright until February/March; we start getting 4-5 days of burning heat and 1 'warm' and very rainy day. That contrast is awful :erk:

Hope all goes well with the medical stuff Yula. I'm freezing cold in southern Japan, let's trade weather.

SentinelSlain you will be pleased to know I declined to buy chickpeas and lentils and bought borlotti beans instead.

Thank you krampus!:worship: I'll be getting the results in 2 days. *crosses fingers*

Right now 'freezing cold' sounds perfect for me.... I can't wait for the rainy day to come.....
@ Yula: Creo que Argentinos tengan acentos graciocos. Mi amigo había tenido una profesora de Español que diría "eshos" y "eshas."

Crap. Can't spell. I'm about to go to bed. I will have amazing dreams that I shall write about tomorrow.
@ Yula: Creo que Argentinos tengan acentos graciocos. Mi amigo había tenido una profesora de Español que diría "eshos" y "eshas."

Crap. Can't spell. I'm about to go to bed. I will have amazing dreams that I shall write about tomorrow.


Sí, jaja, Argie spanish is really different from Latin and Spaniard Spanish. :lol:

Yeah, well, one of the differences is that we spell the 'll' the same way we spell the 'y' (very similar to 'sh' but softer).... The strong 'sh'-ism is something of snobby high-class people ('chetos'). :lol:

Have a nice sleep! See ya tomorrow! Buenas noches
About to take a shower and get ready for work..

Fuck, I hate going in this early when I don't even have to be there till 9
Just bought flight tickets to Germany. Going there to visit friends next week. We'll be drinking beer and eating lots of sausage and fatty food. Also going to see Helloween + Stratovarius next Saturday in Oberhausen. Already saw 'em in Stockholm in December, and this is the same tour, but who gives a fuck.