The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just accepted my first [non-sketchy] couchsurfing request. Looks like I'll be hosting a couple of Pennsylvania dudes at the end of April who are coming to Richmond for a NASCAR race.
I need to go to school right now but it's on the onther side of Prague and it always takes me like hour to get there so I'm procrastinating at home.
I just had two beers in my favourite pub and now I'm having coffee before I go to some other pub to have some other beers. Tommorow I'd like to move to my cottage in woods w/ my girl for a night (it's like a hour and half w/ car) but she said she needed to help her parents moving some shit into kitchen so I don't know.
Stuffed to overflowing from a huge breakfast and having an ummm episode last night during which I polished off a 250g jar of peanut butter and a shitload of fruit for dinner.

Helloween/Stratovarius tonight, OOOOH YEAH!!!!!!!
fucking hell. im beat
33 minutes on the bike. my legs are moist
actually, before I went to the parents house for dinner I was on the bike for 8 minutes. go me!

edit: this time I was listening to Heavenly
I have "Here Comes the Sun" stuck in my head somehow, which is strange considering how little I listen to it (i.e. I don't). Apparently my subconscious is indulging in a bit of wishful thinking.
Oatmeal is even more macho than potatoes. It's grey, cheap, healthy, really simple to cook, and has almost no taste. Great food for a hard working philistine who gives things the epithet "good ol'".